Metallica @ Bonnaroo (6/13/08)

Exodus makes crappy music too, it just happens to be metal unlike Metallica :lol:

Yes, to be fair, Exodus has churned out some real junk in their time as well - but all said and done, it didn't buy them anything approaching the mainstream success(if any at all) of Metallica...and they have since gone back to releasing some pretty damned solid thrash in my opinion! (There are precious few metal bands, even of icon status, that have been around for 25 years or more who haven't "strayed" a bit here and there.) But Metallica have made a career of it, and scoff at anyone who challenges that direction/decision. That and they just come-off as such unbearable weenies these's so unmetal!:erk::Smug:
Fight was on that bill as well. Another reason I know they played it is because, as they were butchering it, I was looking at my 2 friends that came in disgust. And then, as they were singing the chorus, I matched it with "back to the car!!" instead of -Back to the Front-And remember DUDE, you said they never played it, not me. And it was in support of the Black Album, because Load wasn't out, and they toured if I'm not mistaken, for 18 months non stop. I'm glad I didn't go when they toured earlier when the tour first started with guns n' roses. The only two good things about that show was just before Fight took the stage, Halford came out in a long blonde wig, and was calling himself "Metal Dude" Almost nobody realized who he was...geez! And the other thing was Suicidal...they played well, but they were having eqipment problems, and ended their set early. They should have been the 3rd band on, but they were after Fight. Fucking candlecrotch was 3rd! What the fuck?

Sorry you have such bad memories of the show. :mad:

...and yes, Load wasn't out yet, but the show you went to was still a solid 3 years after the Black Album was released, and at least 2 years after their stadium tour with GNR. So, while that may have been their most recent studio album at the time - and I may be splitting hairs here - I, personally, would not consider it the Black Album tour.

It's still cool that you got to see them play that song. I never have...
Well, what can you do? The only thing I can do like the rest of us, is enjoy the first 4 albums. I didn't think Metallica was going to be as good as Carcass from the night before, and they weren't. Carcass had a tour (Heartwork album) called the pre-metallica warm up tour. They played the night before in the same area as Metallica were going to the next day. My other big problem with them is since the Black album on, Kirk just would wah-wah all his drove me nuts!!
Opinions on this stuff has probably been discussed to death already but for the record I think The Black Album is a lot better than And Justice For All.
Opinions on this stuff has probably been discussed to death already but for the record I think The Black Album is a lot better than And Justice For All.

I disagree totally, but it's your opinion and thus as valid as mine. Except for 'One' I found AJFA a great thrash album while "Metallica" (aka the black album) is weak and pop oriented.
Yes, to be fair, Exodus has churned out some real junk in their time as well - but all said and done, it didn't buy them anything approaching the mainstream success(if any at all) of Metallica...and they have since gone back to releasing some pretty damned solid thrash in my opinion! (There are precious few metal bands, even of icon status, that have been around for 25 years or more who haven't "strayed" a bit here and there.) But Metallica have made a career of it, and scoff at anyone who challenges that direction/decision. That and they just come-off as such unbearable weenies these's so unmetal!:erk::Smug:

I dont really think Metallica sold out, but hey who cares it's gone now and wont be coming back :lol:
Well, while we're on the subject :) I loved ...AJFA for the solos, especially "...AJFA", "Blackened", "One" and "The Frayed Ends of Sanity." Hard to say which album I liked most, though. Maybe Ride the Lightning.

yep! I think the best solo overall is Shortest Straw. Ever since the album came out, my old friends and I mimic the solo, note for note verbally.
yep! I think the best solo overall is Shortest Straw. Ever since the album came out, my old friends and I mimic the solo, note for note verbally.

That is true fanhood. Until recently I hardly listened to the first three albums because I was usually listening to ...AJFA, but lately I've been listening to a lot more Kill 'Em All, Lightning, and Puppets and it's been cool to remember what I'd been missing for awhile. :headbang:
That is true fanhood. Until recently I hardly listened to the first three albums because I was usually listening to ...AJFA, but lately I've been listening to a lot more Kill 'Em All, Lightning, and Puppets and it's been cool to remember what I'd been missing for awhile. :headbang:

Those are the only 3 albums that matter.. Nothing Else Matters.. :loco:
Those are the only 3 albums that matter.. Nothing Else Matters.. :loco:

"Nothing Else Matters" :lol: . I disagree; AJFA was a great album as well. And I didn't think everything they did afterwards was complete shit (just most of it). Admittedly, they've put out their fair share of junk, but I'll be satisfied with seeing them if they play even just one of their '80's classics, just so I can say I did, since I was too young to see them in the '80's.