- Aug 11, 2007
- 2,573
- 1
- 38
Hi everyone.
Just got home from my weekend in L.A. with Nightwish and could not wait to write this.
I started writing this at 4 a.m. this morning, after getting back from the show, hoping to go over it while it was fresh in my mind.
My friend and I got to the Wiltern at about 5 or 6 o'clock. I was very impressed by the building. It looked old-school Hollywood and there was a huge sign that said "Wiltern" in giant letters, so it was easy to find. Parking wasn't too bad either; a building right next door with an elevator so we didn't have to walk or travel very far.
The line for the meet-and-greet was practically empty when we got there---the rest of the VIP people were waiting in the Enter the Vault line nearby which was super-long and they would eventually have to get into our line when they got their tickets there. So I say, forget buying tickets from them! I'm glad to pay the Ticketbastard surcharge if it means getting right in line and not having to go through an ordeal.
Meeting the other meet-and-greet people was kinda cool---one of the people in front of us had come all the way from Alaska to see the show. Another group of people in line was a family (father, mother, daughter) who all liked Nightwish. So it was a good mix of people and interesting Nightwish stories. As we waited, I got the most pleasant surprise---the Bruelands seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere just to come over and say hello to me (and my friend). We agreed to meet up inside later on. I could not imagine a Nightwish show without them so it was great to see them again. They had gone to the San Francisco show the night before and said that if tonight was anything like the night before, we were in for an awesome show.
The wait seemed interminable, but eventually the VIP people were let past the barrier and led to another line outside the side door where the meet-and-greet was to be held. Then, more waiting. At one point I checked the time and it was 7:15, and it was still a while after that before we were finally let in.
Now, let me just say, I found the meet-and-greet to be a real disappointment. Reading reviews of other shows and meet-and-greets, I read a lot about how much time the band spent talking to people and making time for the fans. This didn't happen here, and it was by no fault of the band's. The way it was conducted was this: stand in line, go up to the table, your sh*t gets signed, once you get to the end, that's it. I didn't really get a chance to talk to them because "gotta keep the line moving". I practically threw Anette's present to her, that's how fast everyone was being shoved along by the staff. So I don't know how much she liked her silver butterfly keychain holder, but I hope she did. I got to slap Emppu a high-five and shook Anette's hand, but that was the extent of it. There were people taking pictures, but unless you could jump behind the table real quick, that was the best picture with the band you could hope for.
Tuomas was at the end of the table, which I was glad for, since I figured it was my only opportunity to try and draw out my 5 seconds at the end of the table. At least maybe I could dawdle long enough to try and talk to him for more than a nanosecond. He sees me and says, "hey!", like he recognizes me. I would have greeted him with a friendly hug were it not for the table, so I had to settle for shaking hands. I gave him his present, a very lovely Disney Christmas ornament, to which he replies emphatically, "I love it!!!" At that point I asked if I could take a picture with him because I didn't have a chance to get one with anyone else. He says yes, comes over from behind the table, and Erin takes a picture of us (the Bruelands were hanging out nearby). However, I wish he would have knelt down like in our last picture, because I look like a hobbit sitting in my wheelchair next to him!
Since this is my last moment at the end of the line, I took the bull by the horns and blurted out, "can you dedicate a song to the Oceansouls tonight?" I made reference to my OSA shirt to show exactly who/what I meant. "I think we can do that," he says, "which one would you like?" I honestly did not give this a lot of thought, so I just said, "surprise us!" The way I saw it, these are his songs anyway, so I don't think there is anyone better to know which one is right for us. And I think it would mean a lot more having a song that he picked rather than anything I could have thought of myself. "Thank you!" I said. "Thank you for everything you've done." he says to me, and I am awestruck. I would have burst into tears at such a sweet comment had I not been herded like cattle out of the line.
From there, we go to the merch booth, which was also somewhat of a disappointment. There were only 2 t-shirt designs and a flag. It seemed like Sonata had more stuff to choose from. Nonetheless, the guillotine shirt looked pretty f*ckin' awesome so I picked that up.
From there, we're escorted to our seats; we're not in the very front but had a great spot nonetheless. I was told that the Wiltern was a renovated old movie theater, so there was the pit down on the floor, then "riser" sections---we're behind the first set. Great view all the way around. There were even chairs at our section, so my friend was relieved to be able to sit down and do some school work while we waited for the show to start. Once all the meet-and-greet people get situated, we see the band come in and go through another door. Everyone cheers them and they wave as they get ready for the show.
In the meantime, there was a big screen above the stage with a text number so people could write messages for everyone to see. So there was everything from, "Nightwish 4 President" to "[insert name]: pay your child support!" Someone asked the audience how far people traveled to see this show; "Sweden", I thought, was the most impressive response. I thought of texting something to promote the OSA, but I heard those text numbers have surcharges and as I'm still relatively new to the cell phone world I decided not to take a chance. It was just as entertaining to see everyone else's messages anyway.
Sonata eventually hit the stage at about a little bit after 9. Now, everyone knows I'm not a Sonata fan by any means, but I know many Nightwish fans love them so I tried to approach them with an open mind. They did put on a great show. I did not walk away a convert, but I *did* walk away having a lot of respect for them. They really know how to work their audience; the fans knew all their songs and get really involved. I also liked the story behind one of the songs about the artist who refused to paint after two of his subjects died. They were very well-put together.
But, I am not here for Sonata, I'm here for Nightwish, so I was glad all the same when their set ended. During Sonata's set, the Bruelands come by and say they want to sit with us during the show. Absolutely!
Now, the wait between the two bands didn't seem as long as it did at last year's show, or maybe I just learned to anticipate the wait. But when the lights went down and the intro music hit, it was definitely game on.
Here's the setlist (not in perfect order):
Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest of Wonders
Dead to the World
The Siren
Come Cover Me
The Islander
The Poet and the Pendulum
Whoever Brings the Night
Higher Than Hope
7 Days to the Wolves
Wish I Had an Angel
This show was just as good, if not better, than the show last November. Anette looks great as a blonde, and she wore an outfit that is definitely reminiscent of the '80s; stretch pants with high heels and a strapless black-and-pink dress with a flouncy skirt. Emppu was on our side of the stage most of the time, but Marco ran over a few times. Emppu got really energetic towards the end of the show and ran around like crazy across the stage. The chemistry between Anette and the other guys seems so close-knit; at one point she and Tuomas shared an embrace after one of the songs. She and Marco would stand close together or touch during parts where they would sing together. Emppu and Tuomas shared moments where they would pour booze down the other's throat. They always look like they are having so much fun onstage. Towards the end of the show, right before "Wish I Had an Angel", Anette commented about how it was Saturday night and Marco wanted to hit the bars, and Marco heartily agreed with his trademark scream, something along the lines of "f*ck yeah!" Overall it was a high-energy, fun show.
Some great highlights: Anette's voice was absolutely fantastic on "The Siren". The chants that she did were so uniquely her and she made that song her own. "Come Cover Me" was another example of this; the vocal part at the very end is just amazing. One thing I can say about Anette as a vocalist, as a performer, is that she had huge shoes to fill, but if anything, she has not tried to fill shoes or replace or duplicate anyone else. She is her own person and her great talent in Nightwish is her ability to take the old songs and make them her own, to present them in a way where it becomes distinctly her. Sure, she does not have Tarja's opera voice, but listening to songs like "Wishmaster" or "The Siren", she gives that special something that is hers to the songs and makes them enjoyable in her way. The more I see them with Anette, the more I see how she is a right choice for the band, in the way that she has totally integrated herself as a part of the band and is making her presence felt.
Naturally, "Poet" was the best part of the show, and I noticed that "Sahara" had been cut from the setlists lately so it was awesome to hear it back in rotation, considering it's a favorite of mine. However, "While Your Lips Are Still Red" had been added to the setlists recently, so I was a little disheartened to not hear it tonight.
There were the mellower moments as well, like "The Islander", which is a nice change of pace between the heavier songs. And of course the touching moments, like "Higher Than Hope". This is my third Nightwish show so it has become somewhat of a tradition to hear this song at the show, so for me it is a moment I look forward to. Being able to share this song with the Bruelands this time made it so much more meaningful. I feel like we were really made part of something very special.
Speaking of special songs for special people, during the night I wondered which song the band would choose to dedicate to the OSA. The good news, it did not take me long to find out; it was only a few songs into the set. Now, it was not a song I would have picked right off the bat if I'd taken Tuomas' offer to choose myself, but once it was revealed to me, I was glad that he had the choice. When Marco introduced the song, he said, "we want to dedicate this song to the Oceansouls of America". The song was "Dead to the World". So here and for always, we can consider this the official song of OSA, courtesy of Nightwish themselves. Obviously the song was chosen because it was the only song during the night that contained "ocean soul" in the lyric (or at least I'm pretty sure that is why), but also, I think I made the right decision in that I felt certain that Tuomas would pick a song that was befitting of us. I would like to think that he understands us, the OSA. The song could have not been more fitting, once I really thought about it. For one, OSA was formed during the Century Child era so to have our "official song" to be something off that album was meaningful. But on a deeper level, I cannot think of how many times OSA has been written off as "dead to the world" by doubters and naysayers over the near-5 years of our existence. Yet through it all, we are still here, still strong, no matter what. So to have this song dedicated to us so close to our 5-year anniversary, I feel, is OSA's reward for all the hard work and loyalty that the OSAers have shown over the years. And to share that moment with the Bruelands by my side meant so much to me. Maybe I was the only person to represent OSA, but September 13th was definitely OSA's night and I only wish everyone here could have shared in it.
The final two songs of the night were "7 Days" and "Wish I Had an Angel", which Anette once again dedicated to the L.A. audience. Both of those songs were just jam-packed with energy and intensity. Everyone just let loose at that point. Definitely a perfect end to an already-memorable night.
As for the audience, they seemed a little more rough around the edges than last year, in that it seemed there was more emphasis on a mosh pit and things like that, where last year's crowd seemed more mellow and more into enjoying the music. But one thing about going to Nightwish shows, is learning just how intense other Nightwish fans are. One person sittng behind me had a broken arm, and he said that he had driven all the way from San Diego for the show, and that he literally came to the show directly from the hospital (he had his hospital bracelet on to prove it!). Needless to say, I invited as many people as I could to come check out OSA. Hopefully we will see more new people coming to visit us.
After the show, we say our goodbyes to the Bruelands and some other fans come over to say hello to them. They express to everyone how much they love Nightwish fans and how they are the best friends in the world. It is at this time that I learn that Erin and I will both be turning 30 at about the same time, so that was very cool. They are hoping to attend at least one more show for her birthday, so I hope she will get her birthday (night)wish. As for now, they had to head back on the long trek home to go to work the next day.
We part ways with them and make our own departure, leaving the Wiltern and the magical memories that were made in those hours therein.
Yes, there are pictures, and I will try to get those up as soon as I can!

Just got home from my weekend in L.A. with Nightwish and could not wait to write this.
I started writing this at 4 a.m. this morning, after getting back from the show, hoping to go over it while it was fresh in my mind.
My friend and I got to the Wiltern at about 5 or 6 o'clock. I was very impressed by the building. It looked old-school Hollywood and there was a huge sign that said "Wiltern" in giant letters, so it was easy to find. Parking wasn't too bad either; a building right next door with an elevator so we didn't have to walk or travel very far.
The line for the meet-and-greet was practically empty when we got there---the rest of the VIP people were waiting in the Enter the Vault line nearby which was super-long and they would eventually have to get into our line when they got their tickets there. So I say, forget buying tickets from them! I'm glad to pay the Ticketbastard surcharge if it means getting right in line and not having to go through an ordeal.
Meeting the other meet-and-greet people was kinda cool---one of the people in front of us had come all the way from Alaska to see the show. Another group of people in line was a family (father, mother, daughter) who all liked Nightwish. So it was a good mix of people and interesting Nightwish stories. As we waited, I got the most pleasant surprise---the Bruelands seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere just to come over and say hello to me (and my friend). We agreed to meet up inside later on. I could not imagine a Nightwish show without them so it was great to see them again. They had gone to the San Francisco show the night before and said that if tonight was anything like the night before, we were in for an awesome show.
The wait seemed interminable, but eventually the VIP people were let past the barrier and led to another line outside the side door where the meet-and-greet was to be held. Then, more waiting. At one point I checked the time and it was 7:15, and it was still a while after that before we were finally let in.
Now, let me just say, I found the meet-and-greet to be a real disappointment. Reading reviews of other shows and meet-and-greets, I read a lot about how much time the band spent talking to people and making time for the fans. This didn't happen here, and it was by no fault of the band's. The way it was conducted was this: stand in line, go up to the table, your sh*t gets signed, once you get to the end, that's it. I didn't really get a chance to talk to them because "gotta keep the line moving". I practically threw Anette's present to her, that's how fast everyone was being shoved along by the staff. So I don't know how much she liked her silver butterfly keychain holder, but I hope she did. I got to slap Emppu a high-five and shook Anette's hand, but that was the extent of it. There were people taking pictures, but unless you could jump behind the table real quick, that was the best picture with the band you could hope for.
Tuomas was at the end of the table, which I was glad for, since I figured it was my only opportunity to try and draw out my 5 seconds at the end of the table. At least maybe I could dawdle long enough to try and talk to him for more than a nanosecond. He sees me and says, "hey!", like he recognizes me. I would have greeted him with a friendly hug were it not for the table, so I had to settle for shaking hands. I gave him his present, a very lovely Disney Christmas ornament, to which he replies emphatically, "I love it!!!" At that point I asked if I could take a picture with him because I didn't have a chance to get one with anyone else. He says yes, comes over from behind the table, and Erin takes a picture of us (the Bruelands were hanging out nearby). However, I wish he would have knelt down like in our last picture, because I look like a hobbit sitting in my wheelchair next to him!
Since this is my last moment at the end of the line, I took the bull by the horns and blurted out, "can you dedicate a song to the Oceansouls tonight?" I made reference to my OSA shirt to show exactly who/what I meant. "I think we can do that," he says, "which one would you like?" I honestly did not give this a lot of thought, so I just said, "surprise us!" The way I saw it, these are his songs anyway, so I don't think there is anyone better to know which one is right for us. And I think it would mean a lot more having a song that he picked rather than anything I could have thought of myself. "Thank you!" I said. "Thank you for everything you've done." he says to me, and I am awestruck. I would have burst into tears at such a sweet comment had I not been herded like cattle out of the line.
From there, we go to the merch booth, which was also somewhat of a disappointment. There were only 2 t-shirt designs and a flag. It seemed like Sonata had more stuff to choose from. Nonetheless, the guillotine shirt looked pretty f*ckin' awesome so I picked that up.
From there, we're escorted to our seats; we're not in the very front but had a great spot nonetheless. I was told that the Wiltern was a renovated old movie theater, so there was the pit down on the floor, then "riser" sections---we're behind the first set. Great view all the way around. There were even chairs at our section, so my friend was relieved to be able to sit down and do some school work while we waited for the show to start. Once all the meet-and-greet people get situated, we see the band come in and go through another door. Everyone cheers them and they wave as they get ready for the show.
In the meantime, there was a big screen above the stage with a text number so people could write messages for everyone to see. So there was everything from, "Nightwish 4 President" to "[insert name]: pay your child support!" Someone asked the audience how far people traveled to see this show; "Sweden", I thought, was the most impressive response. I thought of texting something to promote the OSA, but I heard those text numbers have surcharges and as I'm still relatively new to the cell phone world I decided not to take a chance. It was just as entertaining to see everyone else's messages anyway.
Sonata eventually hit the stage at about a little bit after 9. Now, everyone knows I'm not a Sonata fan by any means, but I know many Nightwish fans love them so I tried to approach them with an open mind. They did put on a great show. I did not walk away a convert, but I *did* walk away having a lot of respect for them. They really know how to work their audience; the fans knew all their songs and get really involved. I also liked the story behind one of the songs about the artist who refused to paint after two of his subjects died. They were very well-put together.
But, I am not here for Sonata, I'm here for Nightwish, so I was glad all the same when their set ended. During Sonata's set, the Bruelands come by and say they want to sit with us during the show. Absolutely!
Now, the wait between the two bands didn't seem as long as it did at last year's show, or maybe I just learned to anticipate the wait. But when the lights went down and the intro music hit, it was definitely game on.
Here's the setlist (not in perfect order):
Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest of Wonders
Dead to the World
The Siren
Come Cover Me
The Islander
The Poet and the Pendulum
Whoever Brings the Night
Higher Than Hope
7 Days to the Wolves
Wish I Had an Angel
This show was just as good, if not better, than the show last November. Anette looks great as a blonde, and she wore an outfit that is definitely reminiscent of the '80s; stretch pants with high heels and a strapless black-and-pink dress with a flouncy skirt. Emppu was on our side of the stage most of the time, but Marco ran over a few times. Emppu got really energetic towards the end of the show and ran around like crazy across the stage. The chemistry between Anette and the other guys seems so close-knit; at one point she and Tuomas shared an embrace after one of the songs. She and Marco would stand close together or touch during parts where they would sing together. Emppu and Tuomas shared moments where they would pour booze down the other's throat. They always look like they are having so much fun onstage. Towards the end of the show, right before "Wish I Had an Angel", Anette commented about how it was Saturday night and Marco wanted to hit the bars, and Marco heartily agreed with his trademark scream, something along the lines of "f*ck yeah!" Overall it was a high-energy, fun show.
Some great highlights: Anette's voice was absolutely fantastic on "The Siren". The chants that she did were so uniquely her and she made that song her own. "Come Cover Me" was another example of this; the vocal part at the very end is just amazing. One thing I can say about Anette as a vocalist, as a performer, is that she had huge shoes to fill, but if anything, she has not tried to fill shoes or replace or duplicate anyone else. She is her own person and her great talent in Nightwish is her ability to take the old songs and make them her own, to present them in a way where it becomes distinctly her. Sure, she does not have Tarja's opera voice, but listening to songs like "Wishmaster" or "The Siren", she gives that special something that is hers to the songs and makes them enjoyable in her way. The more I see them with Anette, the more I see how she is a right choice for the band, in the way that she has totally integrated herself as a part of the band and is making her presence felt.
Naturally, "Poet" was the best part of the show, and I noticed that "Sahara" had been cut from the setlists lately so it was awesome to hear it back in rotation, considering it's a favorite of mine. However, "While Your Lips Are Still Red" had been added to the setlists recently, so I was a little disheartened to not hear it tonight.
There were the mellower moments as well, like "The Islander", which is a nice change of pace between the heavier songs. And of course the touching moments, like "Higher Than Hope". This is my third Nightwish show so it has become somewhat of a tradition to hear this song at the show, so for me it is a moment I look forward to. Being able to share this song with the Bruelands this time made it so much more meaningful. I feel like we were really made part of something very special.
Speaking of special songs for special people, during the night I wondered which song the band would choose to dedicate to the OSA. The good news, it did not take me long to find out; it was only a few songs into the set. Now, it was not a song I would have picked right off the bat if I'd taken Tuomas' offer to choose myself, but once it was revealed to me, I was glad that he had the choice. When Marco introduced the song, he said, "we want to dedicate this song to the Oceansouls of America". The song was "Dead to the World". So here and for always, we can consider this the official song of OSA, courtesy of Nightwish themselves. Obviously the song was chosen because it was the only song during the night that contained "ocean soul" in the lyric (or at least I'm pretty sure that is why), but also, I think I made the right decision in that I felt certain that Tuomas would pick a song that was befitting of us. I would like to think that he understands us, the OSA. The song could have not been more fitting, once I really thought about it. For one, OSA was formed during the Century Child era so to have our "official song" to be something off that album was meaningful. But on a deeper level, I cannot think of how many times OSA has been written off as "dead to the world" by doubters and naysayers over the near-5 years of our existence. Yet through it all, we are still here, still strong, no matter what. So to have this song dedicated to us so close to our 5-year anniversary, I feel, is OSA's reward for all the hard work and loyalty that the OSAers have shown over the years. And to share that moment with the Bruelands by my side meant so much to me. Maybe I was the only person to represent OSA, but September 13th was definitely OSA's night and I only wish everyone here could have shared in it.
The final two songs of the night were "7 Days" and "Wish I Had an Angel", which Anette once again dedicated to the L.A. audience. Both of those songs were just jam-packed with energy and intensity. Everyone just let loose at that point. Definitely a perfect end to an already-memorable night.
As for the audience, they seemed a little more rough around the edges than last year, in that it seemed there was more emphasis on a mosh pit and things like that, where last year's crowd seemed more mellow and more into enjoying the music. But one thing about going to Nightwish shows, is learning just how intense other Nightwish fans are. One person sittng behind me had a broken arm, and he said that he had driven all the way from San Diego for the show, and that he literally came to the show directly from the hospital (he had his hospital bracelet on to prove it!). Needless to say, I invited as many people as I could to come check out OSA. Hopefully we will see more new people coming to visit us.

After the show, we say our goodbyes to the Bruelands and some other fans come over to say hello to them. They express to everyone how much they love Nightwish fans and how they are the best friends in the world. It is at this time that I learn that Erin and I will both be turning 30 at about the same time, so that was very cool. They are hoping to attend at least one more show for her birthday, so I hope she will get her birthday (night)wish. As for now, they had to head back on the long trek home to go to work the next day.

Yes, there are pictures, and I will try to get those up as soon as I can!