OSA: Celebrating 5 years

Hi everyone.

Today, October 15th, is OSA's 5th anniversary and we have come a long way from the little group of American fans on Nightwish forum who wanted to form an online community for North American Nightwish fans.

For your enjoyment, and to look back on the last 5 years, I've compiled this timeline of OSA milestones and memories. Many of you have been here since the beginning, so if you have any memories of your own to share, by all means, please post them here and let's look back on how OSA has grown, and how we have all aged, over the last half-decade.

"Gone back in time..."

2003: In late September/early October, an American Nightwish fan by the name of Snowy Owl made a post on Nightwish forum asking if there was a fan club for American Nightwish fans, and if not, that he wanted to start forming one. The response was instant, and enthusiastic. Several fans at Nightwish forum (including myself) were more than happy to help, and on October 15th, our friends Ann-Marie and Dave at Beyond Ear Candy hosted our very first online forum, and OSA was born.

2004: This was definitely the year when OSA blossomed from a small online community to a serious meeting place among the North American fans. The release of the Once album, and the North American tour that followed, brought in many fans to OSA, and it was at this time that BEC was able to host a small home page for OSA. Promotion for Nightwish from OSAers spread from coast to coast, as Snowy Owl and Troggy used their radio skills to create OSA promos, and C. would expose Nightwish to the rock radio audience of Central California when several Nightwish classics hit the early-morning airwaves of Real Rock 93.1 as part of the J.D. & Rocky Morning Show. Zelda would almost singlehandedly publish the first and only OSA newsletter, with help of articles written by several other OSAers. Ann-Marie printed the first of the OSA t-shirts, to be worn proudly during the tour that brought Nightwish to the American fans for their first real U.S. tour that summer. By fall, OSA would experience its first "presidential election", with founding member Snowy Owl becoming OSA's first president.

2005: Nightwish-OSA.com was born, and OSA would leave the protection of BEC and strike out on their own for the first time. The website received many visits and was considered a frame of reference for many Nightwish fans and "insiders" alike, including Zac Hietala of Tarot (linking our site in several of his posts on his forum). We would also gain a strong ally in our new affiliate, Sonic Cathedral. As the band toured all over the world for the Once album, OSA grew stronger, despite the setbacks of having not one, but two American tours cancelled. Nothing could seem to stop the machine that was OSA...until October, when the open letter to Tarja was printed and the Nightwish community was forever split into two camps.

2006: It is at this time that Snowy Owl steps down as OSA president to commit fully to his new website and fellow OSA affiliate, Rising Forces USA. The only two members of the council, C. and Autarkis, form a brand-new council and bring in longtime OSAer Tramz, and a newer OSAer, yet a clearly dedicated one, Ray. The new OSA council is formed and ready to take on the difficult task of maintaining a relatively sane Nightwish community during a time of chaos. At this time OSA experiences a "Caribbean invasion", when fans from the islands find OSA and become a part of our community through most of this year. While the world mused who the new Nightwish singer would be, and the band swam through piles of audition tapes from people all over the world wanting to fill the shoes of Tarja, OSA would go through their own inner turmoils, with two hackings to the .com site and forum, leaving us at the end of the year with quite a bleak outlook on what OSA's future, if any, would be.

2007: Walking hand in hand into the new era with Nightwish, the year '07 seems to be promising for both the band and the fans. After a third hacking to the site and forum shortly after the band's announcement of Anette Olzon as new singer, the OSAers choose to decide their own fate and pull up stakes from the .com site altogether, making our new home at Ultimate Metal, and going back to basics. No more stressing over a fancy website or trying to keep up with the Joneses, we decided our strength was in our online community and until the time came until we could find a new webmaster, focus solely on making our little Nightwish community strong again. The seeds that were planted would find fruit during the fall tour, when the band would see the new crop of OSA shirts (printed up by Ray) popping up on their tour stops, from the impressive skyline of New York City to the bright lights of Sunset Strip, and many places in-between.

2008: A busy year for Nightwish and OSAers alike, the dream that had seemed crushed in '05 would be made reality in '08 when Nightwish would return twice more to the U.S. in the spring and fall. Shows were cancelled along the way, and the final week of what was to have been the "final chapter" of the U.S. tour ended on a somewhat low note, but OSAers on the East Coast were loyal and went to the cancelled shows anyway. In spite of the way the tour ended, OSA would not end the tour on such a negative note...as final vindication of the hard work that everyone here has done over the last 5 years, the band would recognize this and dedicate the song "Dead to the World" to the entire Oceansouls of America at their Los Angeles show on September 13th, showing that the Nightwish community that was so often deemed "dead to the world" was anything but..."dead to the world".

And along the way, OSA couldn't have done it without the countless people who have helped along the way...Snowy Owl, Tramz, Ray, the "faithfuls" of OSA (of whom there are many!), past members of OSA who contributed greatly even if they are no longer in our community...BEC, Empty Spiral, Sonic Cathedral, Rising Forces USA, Heather at Century Media, the Brueland family, Nightwish forum, the Nightwish fan clubs around the world (France, UK, Dutch)...all of whom were a friendly face and a helping hand to OSA during good times and bad.

As someone who has been with the OSA since day one, I can honestly say it's the fans here that make this place survive and exist. We in the council could not have done it alone. There were many times that all of us, at one time or another, wanted to throw in the towel, but didn't, because you guys would not let OSA die. Give yourselves a hand...this day belongs to you...to all of us!

It really is amazing how fast time goes by. Although i had visited the OSA once before (website only, not the forum) I fully came on board as an OSA member on August 23rd, 2004 - the day after the 2004 North American Nightwish tour. As luck would have it, i would find myself standing in the line to get in right behind Zelda. Believe it or not, i still have the OSA card she handed me (and in fairly good condition. That's what being a virgo packrat gets you :p). It promised the latest news, the upcoming OSA elections, merchandise, wallpapers and "LOVE!" heh. To this day, i am not entirely sure what made me give the OSA forums a try. I've never been much of a public forum kind of guy. Zellie and i hadn't really said more than 10 words to each other on the line either. Perhaps it was my overall experience at the concert and having taken notice of the kinds of people there.

Since that day, there would be a number of gatherings. Many of us will remember the east coast gathering at Sonata in 2005:


From left to right, that would be Snowy, Andrea, Ray, AMBR, Trog, Teleute, and i am the one taking the picture.

Then there were smaller gatherings, like TZT Week during the 2007 Nightwish tour in which Tel, Zellie and myself got together for Nightwish in Philly, at the Vintage Vinyl signing in Jersey, and also in New York (which would be rounded out by Zellie and i catching After Forever). I'll spare you pictures as to not load down this thread. :p

And many other small meet ups, too numerous to name.

Who could forget when we would have OSA chat rooms going on over AIM on an almost nightly basis? Of course Zellie would probably be quick to point out that i was not in window more times than i was (damn that WoW addiction :p), but they were absolutely a great part of what united the OSA.

It's truly hard to believe it's been almost 4 and a half years that i have been a part of the OSA (and known some of you jokers, and call many of you friends), and even though there have occasionally been some difficult times, i can honestly say that joining, oh so long ago, was one of the best things i have ever done. It has been a sense of community that cannot be beat or found elsewhere. I think that is possibly the largest boon to be gained from the music of Nightwish: a connection with people not unlike yourself; a rarity for true Oceansouls, to be sure, and something that has been localized for us all, by the OSA.
Believe it or not, i still have the OSA card she handed me (and in fairly good condition.

I still have quite a few of the cards I made!

Who could forget when we would have OSA chat rooms going on over AIM on an almost nightly basis?

Hell yes, those were great times. I got to know a lot of you through these online chats, and I think we all even spent New Year's Eve together. I got to experience the New Year with OSAers in all the time zones!

You know? Why don't we have those chats anymore? Let's bring them back!

It has been a sense of community that cannot be beat or found elsewhere. I think that is possibly the largest boon to be gained from the music of Nightwish: a connection with people not unlike yourself; a rarity for true Oceansouls, to be sure, and something that has been localized for us all, by the OSA.

Truer words could not be spoken, my friend. I think the goal of all of us who started the OSA forum in the beginning was to find an alternative online community to the oftentimes over-populated Nightwish forum, where people could form closer bonds, have more serious discussions (anyone remember the Politics thread?), and share a love of Nightwish and music in general in a more relaxed setting than the fast-paced Nightwish forum. I think it is just a place where people can come and share their opinions about the band and music without feeling that they have to belong to a certain "clique" of people or share the majority opinion in order to fit in. All of us here are Nightwish fans, but we are all very different people in many other ways, yet have found a way to forge lasting friendships instead of online warfare! :lol:
You know? Why don't we have those chats anymore? Let's bring them back!

I agree C. I miss those chats.

I still find it hard to believe it has been 5 years!

I know that I bounce in and out of the community, but it is always great to come back and know that I will be welcomed back as if I was never gone.

OSA has defiantly led me to some great life long friends I even went to stay with our long lost Cloud last winter break!
5 Years?!? Wow, I feel old. As for chats, we could always raid Glenn's chatroom? Or, I could create one at #IRC
:zombie::zombie::zombie:Zellie rises from the grave:OMG:

haha I totally don't know why my OSA business cards were promising LOVE! hahhahaa. I guess even at my most antisocial I'm still a hippy :lol:

Anyone have any favorite threads?

While I didn't get in on it, the Nightwish fanfiction was pretty entertaining, the battle of the bands...... I loved good ol Nightwish Survivor. We need to play that again now that we have so many new songs!

I think one of the best parts of OSA is how civil it is. We've got some people passionately at opposing ends of political and religious spectrums yet generally the discussions are kept comprehensive and polite.

Besides that, this is the best source for news! OSA is how I found out about ProgPower and ended up going to one of their first concerts in the US. I got to talk with Marco about playing gameboy on a plane and I walked out of the bathroom almost right into Tuomas.

The OSA chats were definitely a blast and I love to bond with C, my libra buddy!

Tramz and I went from being in a line together to bestest buddies that chat just about daily ^_^

I'm also pleased to have hung out face to face with a ton of OSAers! :rock:
This is a most awesome thread. I'm very appreciative of the little OSA retrospective as I came in as a hardcore member back in Summer 2004 shortly after getting into the band and have sat back as an not-so-often quiet observer over the years since.

This is one of the few, maybe the only, online communities where I really felt like I was part of a group of people who really liked eachother's company and really cared about eachother. Sure, like any group of peeps some of us do or say stuff that pisses eachother off, but I think we're all also mature enough to get over ourselves like mature, responsible metalheads. I'm still happy when I see the "Old Schoolers" (I say that because after all, we have only been around 5 years) make a post or hop in and read what's been updated in the weeks since my last visit. And I just want to thank everyone who's recommended a band to me here over the years, hopped in the ol' OSA Chatrooms or sent me a Christmas card back in 2004 (Zellie, I still got yours! Muffins!).

We aren't quite as strong and united as we were 4 years ago, but it always does my heart good to know OSA's still here and I can hop in and join the fun whenever I want.

OSA 4-Life!
OSA has defiantly led me to some great life long friends I even went to stay with our long lost Cloud last winter break!

Nice! I still see Cloud online from time to time; I talk to him occasionally but it seems usually he or I is busy and I don't chat with him as much as I'd like.

As for chats, we could always raid Glenn's chatroom? Or, I could create one at #IRC

I didn't even know there was a chatroom here! Hmm, maybe we can try that. The only other chat room I ever went to was the Rush chat room, where they have Sunday night listening parties. Maybe we can do something similar?

I know the .com site had a chat room, but that lasted for about 5 minutes, with all the bugs and glitches, and no matter how they were fixed, there was always someone who had trouble with it.

[Most people are going to have no clue how to use IRC. AIM chats always worked just fine.

True, most of us here had/have AIM, and it seemed that the chats were always so great because they were so spontaneous. If so many people happened to be online at once, a chat happened. I remember AOL kicking me off more than once because I invited too many people to the OSA chat room! :lol:

OSA is how I found out about ProgPower and ended up going to one of their first concerts in the US.

Really? I thought ProgPower was before OSA, but I do remember that OSA thrived for a little while on Nightwish forum before becoming our own entity. So technically, OSA's "real" anniversary was probably sometime around ProgPower, but we always recognize October 15th because that is the day our first forum opened and we became something separate from the Nightwish forum.

I loved good ol Nightwish Survivor. We need to play that again now that we have so many new songs!

Absolutely! Does anyone remember which song was the winner of the last Nightwish Survivor? Because I don't!

I think one of the best parts of OSA is how civil it is. We've got some people passionately at opposing ends of political and religious spectrums yet generally the discussions are kept comprehensive and polite.

That is so true; I remember we touched on many controversial subjects in the Politics thread and I think all of us there had opportunities to blast other people or lose our cool, but it never came down to that. Everyone was always respectful of each other's opinions, even if it was something radically different from theirs. Some of us even walked away looking at things a little differently than before because of such open discussion.

The OSA chats were definitely a blast and I love to bond with C, my libra buddy!

Hell yeah, it's not every day I have a friend whose birthday is the day after mine! (Well, one of my best friends is 2 days after me, which also rocks.)

I'm also pleased to have hung out face to face with a ton of OSAers!

The only OSAer I've ever met in person was Kingtoad, and sadly, we did not have time to take a picture together. :(

This is a most awesome thread.

Thanks Troggy, you are most awesome too!

This is one of the few, maybe the only, online communities where I really felt like I was part of a group of people who really liked eachother's company and really cared about eachother. Sure, like any group of peeps some of us do or say stuff that pisses eachother off, but I think we're all also mature enough to get over ourselves like mature, responsible metalheads.

You hit the nail right on the head. I think OSA has endured because it has become a place for more mature Nightwish fans to come; those of us who are fans of the band but are not fanboys/girls. Where we can listen to constructive criticism about the bands we love without wanting to place voodoo curses on those who would say such a thing about our perfect idols. We have not been without those kinds of people in our years of existence, but I think the proof is in the pudding and those types have not lasted here very long. We're like an "adult contemporary" Nightwish forum. :lol:

We aren't quite as strong and united as we were 4 years ago, but it always does my heart good to know OSA's still here and I can hop in and join the fun whenever I want.

I know it doesn't always seem that way, but I think that's the greatness about the bond that has formed between OSAers over the years, we are all still strong in our friendships even if OSA itself is having down time or not as busy. I talk to Tramz on a regular basis, and Enigma and I exchange e-mails all the time. Some people I wish I could talk to more often, but it does not mean I think of them less as my friends. Maybe starting this thread is a positive thing and we can go back to having chats or strengthening the friendships that have maybe gone a bit lax over the last couple of years (and for some, maybe get to know some OSAers that have come around over the last year or two and make better acquaintance). :D
You hit the nail right on the head. I think OSA has endured because it has become a place for more mature Nightwish fans to come; those of us who are fans of the band but are not fanboys/girls. Where we can listen to constructive criticism about the bands we love without wanting to place voodoo curses on those who would say such a thing about our perfect idols.

Speak for yourself, i have my voodoo doll right here! MuaHAhaHahaHAhaHA.

(The funny part is, i really do have one, with pins and everything. A friend of mine got it for me when she vacationed down in New Orleans a few years ago).
Whew! Between work and little Lillian (my daughter for those who don't know), as well as getting into some arguments about the merits of a free-market system (I still think you rock, Zellie, even though we disagree), I haven't had much time to dedicate to visiting here or to even work on my own website (as far as that goes, I am willing to hire a contributor to help out with reviews and interviews! 3 people can only do so much, especially when two of them are parents!)!

But in all seriousness, I am happy that this forum is still alive and kicking after 5 years. I have met some of the greatest people in the metal world here that I will always give my eternal gratitude to. You know who you are.

Thanks to all who keep it alive. And to all of you I haven't spoken with in a while, hit me up and get in touch! I have baby pictures to share and I am DYING FOR METAL RECOMMENDATIONS as far as albums to buy!

God bless and keep it metal!