"The sailor an idol for the 6-year-old in me": OSA's anniversary

Hi everyone.

That time of year is approaching us again...on Thursday, October 15th, OSA will be having its 6th birthday!

The council is planning something very nice to commemorate this date over at the website, we hope you will all take part in it.

Past and present OSAers: if you have any pictures of yourself (either with other OSAers, the band, or anything like that), go to "Contact OSA" at the website and drop me a line (the link is in the second banner of my sig). Because while we are a fan club for Nightwish, it is the people who make this site and forum possible! So at this time of year, as a way to thank everyone here, we want to turn the spotlight away from Nightwish for just a moment and focus on the wonderful fans who make this place possible. Because we couldn't do it without you!

Don't worry if you did not contribute pictures in time, I will be accepting pictures all month long to add to the site (and maybe for a while afterwards).

Our last year has been fantastic with the opening of the new website and the band's tour last May. Let's kick off the next one by showing everyone who we are, and all the good people that help to make this a great Nightwish fan community!

Time to celebrate the 6th anniversay of Oceansouls Of America. :)

Here's to all you nice people who have come to visit and/or contribute to the OSA community during the years and shared your opinions, experiences and memories about Nightwish and your love of their unique music with fellow fans.

And to all the good moments with what the all possible bs we have talked about here at OSA in the past 6 years. :lol:

It's the people who make this place so great, so even the band is currently on a longish and deserved break before starting to make the next CD, keep visiting here and leave a word or two when you do.

My best wishes to the bright future of OSA! Happy Birthday everybody!

The Enigma

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Kiitos Enigma, your support is always appreciated. It's folks like you who have kept this place going.

And I know I haven't been here in a while, and I feel a little ashamed because I meant to put up the OSA Anniversary tribute. However, I have a glitch with my internet browser at this time that keeps me from accessing the website, so I have been unable to make any updates or add any new content. :( I'm trying to work on getting an upgrade, but until that time, I am unable to get onto the OSA site. I apologize profusely, and promise that the first opportunity I get, the tribute will be up and everyone's pictures will be there for the OSA (and the world) to see.

Also, today (October 25th) is another important date in OSA and Nightwish history...6 years ago today was the passing of Marc Brueland, whose story everyone here already knows. But to us in the council and I'm sure to most of you here, we consider Marc to be the original American Oceansoul and as a fan club dedicated to Nightwish in North America, I feel it is important to honor the memory of the most well-known American fan in Nightwish history.

Thanks to EVERYONE over the last 6 years who have made OSA possible...the list is too long to name, but you all know who you are. And special thanks to everyone over the last year who helped with putting the OSA site together, we couldn't have done it alone!

Here's to the last 6 years and if the fates allow, to many more!
Shoot! I thought the anniversary was in November not October!! :OMG: As it is, I'm a little late for this!! I do still love Nightwish and think about you guys. I was at karaoke the other night chatting with my friend's boyfriend...

Him: So what kind of music do you listen to?
Me: European metal, mostly.
Him: Really? Interesting, name an example.
Me: Nightwish.


OSA is the source of many great memories for me. I was lucky enough to be there at the beginning and it helped pull me out of a numb 'I'm a hermit because people are EVIL' shell I was going through at the time. OSA kept me updated about concerts which literally were on a list I posted above my computer because I was having trouble keeping my spirits up.

I remember putting together the first OSA newsletter, Nightwish survivor (I believe Bless the Child won?), I played Over the Hills when I DJed the Alpha Psi Ball in college. I brought business cards to the show in NYC and happened to be in line right ahead of our beloved Tramz......who STILL has that business card!

I have made some fantastic friendships...got to rock out with Tramz, sing in the car with Tel, chill with Trog, Ray, oh man am I forgetting people? And Cloud kept me company while I had a flight transfer in Phoenix. It's rare to get along well with so many people in one spot.

I'd be around more but I've been really buckling down on myself to get my novels done and to be more social offline. I've got a fantastic critique group and we're developing a web presense of our own (:

It's been awesome to be part of the magic and it gives me warm fuzzies that OSA is still around.

oh yeah and I can't forget to mention the Nightwish plushies!!