Metallica call it quits.

I'll admit, I still listen to Metallica on occasion, but why wish this was true - if you don't like them, nobody forces you to buy their products. Just saying. Successful bands employ people; I just watched the second DVD of the Iron Maiden "En Vivo!" DVD set which has the documentary "Behind the Beast", they employ shit load of people (both full time and as road crews when touring - it really is an enterprise) and all of them would be without jobs were it not for Iron Maiden's continued success (which by the looks of it is greater than it's ever been).

As always, different strokes for different folks, individual mileage may vary and success breeds discontent in others. Oh well.
Oh man this sucks. I liked Metallica. Can't wait to hear that Kurt Hamment wah project.
After they are offering 6 shows in a row in México City (all sold out), i really doubt this will ever happen, even on their old age. there´s still a lot of money to make. but yeah i was getting exited too haha.
I'll admit, I still listen to Metallica on occasion, but why wish this was true - if you don't like them, nobody forces you to buy their products. Just saying. Successful bands employ people; I just watched the second DVD of the Iron Maiden "En Vivo!" DVD set which has the documentary "Behind the Beast", they employ shit load of people (both full time and as road crews when touring - it really is an enterprise) and all of them would be without jobs were it not for Iron Maiden's continued success (which by the looks of it is greater than it's ever been).

As always, different strokes for different folks, individual mileage may vary and success breeds discontent in others. Oh well.

This! As much as I can't stand them, they do keep alot of people working. Props for that
After they are offering 6 shows in a row in México City (all sold out), i really doubt this will ever happen, even on their old age. there´s still a lot of money to make. but yeah i was getting exited too haha.
Did you go?

I did... live, they're not bad. I wish I could say the same about their latest studio releases. :p