Metallica causes death:

This had little to do with Metallica or the comment about them; they could have been arguing about hockey. It was more to do with a drunk guy picking a fight and being outnumbered and probably underestimating his opponents.
So.. he got RIPPING drunk, talked some shit to a group of kids, then GRABBED one in a threatening manner. The kids friends come to his defense to get this guy off their friend, STOP attacking him when he lets go, and then remove themselves from the problem.

I think they might've taken it a little too far, but I don't think they should be tried for manslaughter. Assault maybe, but this was an unintentional accident. I don't think this was neglegence.
This had little to do with Metallica or the comment about them; they could have been arguing about hockey. It was more to do with a drunk guy picking a fight and being outnumbered and probably underestimating his opponents.

Agreed. Unfortunately, when the mass media sees violence in anyway linked with metal, they pounce. :rolleyes:
sounds to me like it was the 'fall' that killed him, and not the beating. :Smug:

Earlier testimony from a doctor indicated Conley died when a tiny artery at the base of his brain tore, the likely result from a blow to the face or chin. He had a blood-alcohol reading twice the legal impairment level for driving.
He fell back on his head so I would think there would be a noticable difference if it was from the fall or a hit to the face. Sounds more like a freak incident that could happen to anyone during a drunken brawl.
Wow, that is pretty stupid. I can't believe that someone had to die over something like this. Pointless death.

Metal, I have not heard from you in a long time. I hope you are doing well and had a wonderful holiday.

I miss ya,

He was a drunken idiot getting into a fight with some kids, over personal taste in music?

Fuck him. Those kids defended their friend, and he died cuz he was FUCKING STUPID. I say, one less moron in the world is a good thing. He died cuz he cracked the back of his head on a seat. NOT from a punch to the face or jaw. But of course, the media WOULD publish a very innacurate statement, to keep it sounding like the kids killed him.

If I was on that jury, they'd all walk free, and then I'd congratulate them on getting rid of a drunken idiot from society. 5' 11' 198 lbs, picking on kids cuz of their taste in music? He's a fuckin BULLY and got what he deserved.
"The four youths got off the bus, but one stopped to shove Conley as he left. "

Um, this right there, if accurate, was incredibly stupid. Sounds like a stupid guy *and* a bunch of stupid kids. So he grabbed their friend... that doesn't justify their jumping him. Lose-lose situation.

Well, it certainly has nothing to do with Metallica or really anything but a nasty drunk picking a fight with some volatile kids. He was wrong; they shouldn't have taken it that far. He died; they're going to be charged. Same stupid, sad story is repeated hundreds of times. Just the details change.
I read the article and it is very sad what happened. It proves that one moment of not thinking can be fatal for all involved. It seems like now it is hard to have a normal healthy debate with anyone now. The old "Let's agree to disagree" is a thing of the past.
sounds to me like it was the 'fall' that killed him, and not the beating. :Smug:

Technically, they're saying that a punch to the jaw caused an artery to rupture, which in all likelyhood caused him to fall in the first place. Second.. the media isn't all over this as a "music from hell" blame game. The article states, in a very casual manner that they had been discussing the subject, the guy grabbed the kid and was clearly drunk. Not he grabbed the kid and he was clearly a metalhead. In fact, no where in the article does it say he was really a fan of heavy metal at all!All in all, the music factor in the article seems to be very limited.

Um, this right there, if accurate, was incredibly stupid. Sounds like a stupid guy *and* a bunch of stupid kids. So he grabbed their friend... that doesn't justify their jumping him. Lose-lose situation.

If a 5'11 198 pound drunk grabs one of your friends who happens to be 20 years YOUNGER, what would you do? I sure as hell wouldn't sit there and let the guy have his way with my friend, thats for damn sure. Shoving the guy as they got off may have been a little excessive, but I wouldn't expect anything less. After all, we have no idea if he was attempting to impede them from leaving. Nor how hard he was shoved. He may have just been shoulder bumped.

The simple fact that these kids stopped as soon as the drunk ass let go says a lot about the situation. They were just defending their friend with good cause, as far as I'm concerned.
"The four youths got off the bus, but one stopped to shove Conley as he left. "

Um, this right there, if accurate, was incredibly stupid. Sounds like a stupid guy *and* a bunch of stupid kids. So he grabbed their friend... that doesn't justify their jumping him. Lose-lose situation.


Well I have mixed feelings about it. I agree that the final shove was stupid, and taunting a drunk escalated the situation. However, if a 200 lb drunk grabbed you violently, what reaction do you think your friends/husband would have? Still... lose-lose as you said.
If a 5'11 198 pound drunk grabs one of your friends who happens to be 20 years YOUNGER, what would you do? I sure as hell wouldn't sit there and let the guy have his way with my friend, thats for damn sure.

Precisely. Anyone lays an ill-willed hand on my brother or my friends is getting flat-out CRIPPLED and I'll make damned sure I don't just walk away. You fuck with my family or friends for no reason other than you're drunk, and I assure you, you'll never walk normally again for the rest of your life. These kids defended their friend, and they had every right to. I would have done far, far worse than they did to this drunken shmuck.

Shoving the guy as they got off may have been a little excessive, but I wouldn't expect anything less. After all, we have no idea if he was attempting to impede them from leaving. Nor how hard he was shoved. He may have just been shoulder bumped.

The simple fact that these kids stopped as soon as the drunk ass let go says a lot about the situation. They were just defending their friend with good cause, as far as I'm concerned.

Agreed as well. They were kids. The "shove/bump" or whatever you wanna call it is just the same as posturing and posing to save face in an altercation of any other form. The dumbass was too drunk to stay standing up. I don't care what the media says about a punch to the face or jaw causing a hemmorage at the base of the neck, they're WRONG. I've seen PRIDE fighters and UFC fighters take devastating, horrendous punches, kicks, knees and elbows to their heads and faces and jaws, and I've NEVER heard of a blood vessel hemorraging in the back of their neck. That's a cop-out to get the kids arrested. And until you show me a picture from the autopsy showing absolutely no mark or bruise or scratch from falling backward against the chair, there's no way you'll get me to believe that a punch to the face caused the burst blood vessel at the back of his neck.
Well I have mixed feelings about it. I agree that the final shove was stupid, and taunting a drunk escalated the situation. However, if a 200 lb drunk grabbed you violently, what reaction do you think your friends/husband would have? Still... lose-lose as you said.

It's not justified to have 3 or 4 guys jump on 1 guy and punch him repeatedly. I would hope my friends and/or husband would be smart enough to at least do nothing more than restrain the guy, not start beating him senseless. (Personally, I can defend myself, so I wouldn't want anyone else getting involved.) their reaction was not in proportion.

Bunch of idiots all around in my opinion.

And Bryan, your logic doesn't really apply... UFC fighters are a completely different critter. (An ex of mine happens to do no-holds-barred fighting, so I've seen plenty of UFC, etc. fights.) Besides, just because you've not seen something happen doesn't make it impossible. This is a freak occurrence, and almost certainly related to the beating the guy got. The proportion of your response as well is a bit extreme, I think. :erk:
