Metallica Concert icl full RDL album YT

I don't know how many of you saw Metallica back in 1993 or earlier, but they've never played any better than this (even if some of you may nostalgically think they did)

thankfully, there's the recorded material of several dvd sets that proves that they were all MUCH better live then than they're now.
sopulurn: get some bootlegs :)

John_C: I am talking about Ray Herrera's playing on "Demanufacture", the album. Not live. It still doesn't sound nearly as gridded as today's productions. But everyone's standards back then were much lower than today.

crillemannen: Live Shit is heavily edited though :/
Expected much worse tbh. This is a decent performance by metallica's standards at least.

I generally can't stand Lars playing at all anymore. He always sounds rushed like he's following rather than driving the whole band which is a musical nonsense and fuck these 8th hats without accents. It sucks.

I've always hated Kirk's playing even back in the days so nothing new here.
sopulurn: get some bootlegs :)

John_C: I am talking about Ray Herrera's playing on "Demanufacture", the album. Not live. It still doesn't sound nearly as gridded as today's productions. But everyone's standard's back then were much lower than today.

crillemannen: Live Shit is heavily edited though :/

Ok didnt know that but i always thought it sounded to good and tight to be true. Sounds awesome though :)
I stand by my comment. This shit is all over the place. Especially when compared to the standard set by the same band twenty plus years ago. It's not just nostalgia, they used to be a tighter band.
They used to be much better and more tight than nowadays.
As you can see here. It´s a bootleg, so no edits.
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Look at how Lars is pounding the drums, how much better timed each fill, how everything is, he's just fucking tight, that's when I wish I wasn't 2 years old to see a show like that. Songs played at the normal tempo, not at 200x the speed like on the Orion Festival, it's fucking ridiculous, hits drums like a little bitch, full of mistakes, full of horrible horribly played chords, melodies and harmonies filled with mistakes.

Seriously, look at how HEAVY this video is, on a fucking old as shit camcorder from the 80's... They just full on SUCK now, they're a metallica cover band just milking it more and more and more
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Thats was awesome, that should be shown when people question there greatness. And listen to Kirks solo in MasterOp , thats 16/4 in 220bpm and it sounds freakin awesome. I still haven't come acrossed 1 guitar player that can record a great solo on one take.They where really tight back then, full of agression and attitude, AWESOME!!!
I'm not a Metallica fanboy, so I only listened until the end of Master Of Puppets, but guys, seriously. Are you all high? I really wonder how many of you have ever even played a live show (and recorded/videotaped it to see how shit you really sound) when I read all these comments?

When asked about his abilities, he told Drum! magazine: "I usually feel like I've regressed. I'm like, 'Why can't I do that anymore?'"

Lars, 48, admitted he doesn't regularly practice in order to get better, but uses the drums as a workout.

He added: "What happens is I just sit down and kind of play to just more stay in shape. You know, Metallica was up to two or three months off last year, and I would sit down, I have an iPod next to my drums so I can play along to all kind of crazy stuff, but I can't say that I sit down to necessarily practice to sort of get better."
Again, I don't really care what anyone thinks of Metallica cause I don't really care much about them myself anymore, but you video-posting guys are full of shit. Except for the Nickelback video the first scenes I saw of the Metallica vids were "out of chord tunes" and "timing all over the place". If the sound quality was better, you might actually hear it.

I'm not saying Metallica weren't a bit better 20 years ago, but they certainly aren't A LOT worse these days. Megadeth on the other hand have become much better (saw them in '89, '92, '96 and just saw them in London, UK a few weeks ago).

Habsburg: I read that a few days ago and I can totally understand that. If I was Lars, I probably would do the same after 30 years.
I guess that's why they're called 'musicians' instead of 'instrumentalists'.

I got another: You just can't discuss taste, if people like it, it's good.