Metallica cover band in this weekend

Very nice dude, excellent job. I've listened to Fade to Black thus far, tones were good all round, the only thing that sprang to mind was that I felt a bit more room mic would be nice for the kit (snare particularly just seemed a bit dry). I've heard quite a few hetfield clones btw, and this guy ranks pretty high! Any particular reverb used to get the ride the lightning vocal sound?

P.S Was pleased the solos were nice and accurate too!
Sounds really really nice, the overal mix sounds very nice. These songs are going in my playlist.

Can you share some info about the guitar tone and the vocals.
Thanks guys.
There is a fair bit of squashed mono room mic in there. Any more was too much and killing the attack a bit.
For RTL vox, 2 reverbs. A short plate with no pre delay and a large hall with an 1/8 note pre delay. Both space designer with acousticas lexicon impulses.
Vocals are audix i5>Phoenix audio DRS-Q4 with a bit of 1k boost>Drawmer 1968ME with medium attack/fast release hitting 15db of gain reduction on loud bits.

We spent a lot of time getting the guitar sound right. We ended up quad tracking with an ESP Eclipse custom (EMG81) and ESP MI-ntb (EMG85) each side with the eclipse fully panned and the MI 9oc, 3oc.
Tried a ts808 first but couldn't get what we were after so went with:
Digitech GSP1101 for tsmod, gate, compressor and wide 2k 4db boost before hitting the amp. Mesa triple rec channel 3 modern silicon bold bass 10 oc, mid 10oc, treb 11.30, pres 9oc, gain 1oc master 12oc (LOUD!!) to mesa recto 412.
57 just off centre on axis and md421 on a different speaker. I reversed the phase on the 421 and listened with shure iso buds to find the worst scratchy sound I could then put it back in phase and it sounded great. API A2D pre for both mics.
Bit of 3k wide boost in the mix.
Clean guitars are Gibson LP Saphire with p90s to GSP1101 fender deluxe sim with chorus, compressor, delay to 6505 return to recto cab as above. Leads GSP1101 rectifier sim with comp, ts and delay. The gsp rectifier sim sounded better than the actual mesa recto for the leads for some reason.

This was my first session with the Drawmer 1968ME and it made such a difference in tracking (overheads, bass, vox) then as a bus compressor for the mix, mixing into it. The mix came together so quickly and gelled much better than anything I have done before.
I agree sounds cool as, but the drums could use more room, RTL always struck me as pretty wet sounding. Guitars need a little more mid meat, bit to bright!

But I'm loving this overall dude
Nice recordings-mixes!!! I agree that the drums need more room and I think that you bring bass and leads up.
Nice to hear the changes Metallica do in their live performances of Fade To Black in this cover!!