Metallica covers (Blackened/Harvester Of Sorrow)

Holy shit! What an amazing sound!

And also, I was really impressed by the singer. Not only for being very similar to Hetfield (a bit more agressive), but for his professional singing.

Some things I didn´t like is that some times you cannot hear the toms well, but besides that, I really like the overall tone.

Very good job, both of you, KillDivision and Hammerofjustice.
Thanx Jutun!:kickass:

Red P, I will reamp your di's trough the same setup from my last post tomorrow so we'll see what the problem is.

PRS + EMG should not cause the problem. We'll see.
The battery was brand new..but i could try a different brand. The strings are not that old and i never noticed such a big difference with new strings but its another point to try. I have another guitar with brand new strings and emg but that have the same dullness. When you have the DI to your "Sneap forum Studio Preamp" sample i could point out the problem between amp and guitar. The Mesa tubes definitley sounds more boxy, that could be one point and the other my guitar.
Do you know what tubes you have in your SP? Somebody recommended me JJ especially for the SP.
Get these Dui's tru your SP

Run this DI tru your SP with the same impulse. I zipped them cause i can only stream wavs and mp'3 straight from dropbox.
I added an mp3 from the same DI reamped tru the SP, so you should not get a big difference with your SP.

I only changed the Lead DRive from 6 to 8.

Let me know.
OK, i reamped your DI (normalized the DI to peak at-6db).
Volume 10, Master 4, Treble 5, Bass 1, Middle 1, Reverb 0, Lead Drive 8 , Lead Master 5, 750Hz all the way down. Rhythm Bright On, Lead Fat On, Lead Bright Off. Output Level 2....Frantik_left_IR and highcut (48db/octave, Q-factor 1) at 6kHz.
One time with Mesa tubes and the other with sovteks:

Sounds way better..still a difference but that could really be the different tube characters. I like your midrange better. Now i should check my guitar! re-string, re-battery etc. and if nothing helps re-finger :Smug:
Till last week i had a Duncan TB-15 in my guitar i changed it to an emg81 because everytime i really liked a recorded guitar tone an emg81 was now i wanted to try one. Unfortunately i can't get another guitar from someone.
I restringed the guitar now and checked the battery..nothing changed..but then i read that active pups has only little magnetism.. so i set the pup closer to the strings now. before i had it lower because when recording DI the Interface input was clipping so i set it to a height were it didn't clip with the pup closer to the strings the interface input (AD i guess) is clipping all the time while playing oO
This is the normal recorded version. And this is the DI. I'm not sure if it's right when the interface input is clipping all the time..
It still sounds not tight.
Could just be the guitar, could be your fingers.

I once had a BC Rich Warlock NJ series necktru that just stayed dark. New strings, EMG81, passive pickups, just dark. Same pickups in another guitar > bright.
So could be the guitar. Anyway you know the Studio Preamp is fine and you have some nice settings.
I could try another string gauge as well. 12-54 for drop B on 25" scale at the moment. I like the playability but might be too flubby for a strong and tight sound. But first i will get out my old 7 string to try standard tuning.
I thank you so much for your help! I got good infos on dialing in the SP for a nice guitar :) ..only need to make my guitar nice hehe
Sounds awesome man! The only thing I don't like is the kick, something about it sounds too much like a ball to me. Also, I'm amazed that the drum sound is just bleed. Crazy!
Red P, this is the same recording, but with the ASEM RECTO V30 L2 impuls together with the Frantic impulse.
The ASEM impulse has highpass at 148 and lowpass at 3,9 khz.

There is some eq afterwards: hipass at 141 hz, dip at 500, added around 1.1 khz, dipped some 4.1, thats it.
And of course reverb (yeah, too much).

Mesa Studio Pre Frantic ASEM V30L2 impulse eq

I put the same DI tru the preamp of my Pre500 Mesa Dual Rectifier, teh same impulses/eq/reverb. NO OVERDRIVEPEDAL USED!!
The preamp from the pre500 is very tight, it's your ordinairy Recto.

Pre500 Dual Recto preamp out impulses eq and reverb
yes a bit too much verb but still sounds good and from that samples i like the SP more than the Pre500 even the Pre500 has more bottom and sounds more modern. I'm not sure what a Pre500 exactly is..i never heard that term but i'm also not very familiar with rectos ;) probably the preamp of one of those thousand different recto revisions? But its truly tight...i guess with my guitar it would not :D I'm glad that my 5150 isn't that sensitive.
Has the Coverband given you the DIs yet?
Guitars: They didn't record di's, but the Preamp Out from a mesa Boogie Mark III. I put some impulses on them.
Drums: Replaced the kick with a sample, the rest is 100% natural.
Solo's: reamped trough the Studio Preamp.


Soo...i have a mark III redstripe and I love it to death for live playing...but i can't get the tone you just got when recording. I will try the preamp out and hit it with impulses from the Metallica IR pack...which ones did you use?

Also, the drum samples sound great! did u make them??:worship: