Metallica: Death Magnetic


APT Guitarist/vocalist
Jan 3, 2008
Fairfield, CA
Believe me when I say that I really wanted this to be great. Some may say it is. I don't.

I was going to start a thread, "The most overrated musicians in the world", but this thread will do, just fine. The first two I was going to mention, will be mentioned here.

Someone, please take away Hammett's right to solo!!!! I know that he's world famous and has sold more copies of his worst record than I could ever sell in 10 lifetimes. BUT, HE SUCKS!!!!! He couldn't write a decent solo to save his soul. He is the very definition of a wanker. He has no emotion, no melodic ability, basically no need to ever play a solo. For many years now, I've called him "The luckiest man in the world". I think his luck may have run out with the release of this album. I no longer want his job.

Lars... Quit. Hang it up. Sell your kit. Go back to tennis. You are NOT the drummer you've been led to believe that you are. This guy must have the best fans in the world, because I still hear them saying that he's great. They must be listening to a different drummer. I'm a fan of great drummers. I first got into Queensryche and Dream Theater, simply because of the drummers. Lars is no drummer. I was never into old Metallica. Maybe he was great, once. He's not now.

Anyway, the new record. I bought it. I didn't steal it. I wish I had. The songs feel thrown together. The structure is hap-hazard, at best. It sounds like the band went back to the old stuff and tried to emulate what they had done before. You can't do that. It just sounds forced. And, a little sad. There were actually times, while listening to this record, that I found myself feeling embarrassed for them. The whole thing sounds insincere. They really phoned this one in.

That's all I'm gonna say for now.

Hopefully Megadeth will release a new CD and it'll go gold, just so Dave can have the last laugh. I hate Hammet's guitar playing. I'm a keyboardist, but it doesn't take a music major to hear how sloppy he is.
After watching 2 hours of reality , mental case , poor rich kid , therapy sessions I kinda threw in the towel on the whole band. I liked them better as alcoholic , drugged out head cases, they were easier to relate to than Corporite , board member types.

Dave M lives right down the street from me in fallbrook , I'll stop by and ask him about a new CD...LOL, maybe he could use a keyboard player on the next project ,now THAT would be cool..
I read in The Wall Street Journal, of all places, that it's a really loud album. As in, the way it's mixed it's really loud and therefore thin. I can't say I'm excited about it, but I'm somewhat curious.

I read in The Wall Street Journal, of all places, that it's a really loud album. As in, the way it's mixed it's really loud and therefore thin. I can't say I'm excited about it, but I'm somewhat curious.


That makes sense now. It is really thin! With Trujillo on bass, a band is really screwing up by not putting him higher in the mix.

Speaking of mix... COULD THE DRUMS BE ANY LOUDER??????? ASSHOLES!!!

I had a dream that I was at a clinic of his, and he got all mad at his drum tech because his snare didn't sound like what he wanted it to. It sounded fine--in fact, it sounded good. So he gets a different snare and a drum key and fiddles around and starts hitting what sounds like a tube of pvc pipe and yells, "See! That's the sound I wanted!" He was so disgusted with the sound of his first snare that he gave it to me.

Now, he switched out that ultra-expensive 3mm brass snare for the "standard" signature snare made out of stainless. Why? *shrug* I dunno.

Sounds like something in real life, huh?
A friend sent me a few tracks off this album.


I mean, it's better than the crap from the last few albums, but it's just not anywhere near the Metallica I used to enjoy. I know bands tend to change as they get older, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but there is no way they will ever be as good as they were on "Master of Puppets."
I'm glad I heard a few tracks first. Keeps me from wasting my money on buying the CD.
Just my opinion.

I heard it. It was indeed mixed too loudly. I think they were trying to go for a live feel throughout the album, but I'm not sure it worked. I can't get past this, but I will say that I did find the writing to be some of their better-written stuff. It's their best album since the black album, but it's like saying you only stepped in dog crap instead of a cow patty so you only had to clean off part of your shoe. I followed this up with some Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves. I then realized that Metallica is grossly misusing their best musician in the band. Was there even bass in Death Magnetic??
I like the songs quite a bit, but that mix is strange... Turn down those drums!!! Turn up that Bass!!! It all comes off so bright and tinny... if they would just warm up the sound I think they really would have had something here.

I am very happy to see them writing more complicated compositions though... It feels more true to what Metallica should be.
I followed this up with some Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves. I then realized that Metallica is grossly misusing their best musician in the band. Was there even bass in Death Magnetic??

I'm really hoping they don't do to his career, what "Rockstar Supernova" did to Lukas Rossi's.

Trujillo is an awesome bass player and a great showman. I wish he could be heard on the new record.

I'm really hoping they don't do to his career, what "Rockstar Supernova" did to Lukas Rossi's.

Trujillo is an awesome bass player and a great showman. I wish he could be heard on the new record.


I think Trujillo is too established and versatile to have this BS hurt him. He could go anywhere. I mean BLS, Suicidal Tendencies, Anthrax, Ozzie, Metallica... He's like the Bill Bruford of Bass players... Everyone would be happy to have him play for them. :rock:

I do hear that he does get an extended bass solo live though... for whatever that's worth :lol:
Hmmm.....seems that I know of a band that could use a bass player of monstrous proportions:)

No doubt, my brother! My ears burn with your righteousness! :rock:

I think Trujillo is too established and versatile to have this BS hurt him. He could go anywhere. I mean BLS, Suicidal Tendencies, Anthrax, Ozzie, Metallica... He's like the Bill Bruford of Bass players... Everyone would be happy to have him play for them. :rock:

I do hear that he does get an extended bass solo live though... for whatever that's worth :lol:

Damn good point. I hope you're right.

And yes. The solo spot does make a HUGE difference. At least, to me.

Isn't that the Tru"jillo"th

:hypno:...Goodnight everybody. :lol:

Actually, I almost forgot. The reason I came in tonight was to mention that I gave the entire disc another listen today. As the song says, "What a difference a day makes". Uh yeah, but not in this case.

What a phenomenally horrible piece of shit!

Seriously, quite a few times during this listen, I would start to think, "Aside from the homicide-inducingly bad drumming, this song might be alright". And then...the guitar solo.:zombie:

Are you fucking kidding me??? This shit-eating ass-hat is a world-famous guitarist! He was schooled by Satriani! He is even respected by John Petrucci! I will honestly say (in my opinion) that this record contains THE WORST GUITAR PLAYING BY A WORLD-RENOWNED GUITARIST, EVER!!!!!!!! If I ever meet him, after kicking him in his tiny little vegetarian nuts, I'll demand my money back and an apology for this auditory abortion! What a shithead!

These solos are embarrassing to listen to. And painful also. His tones are like the sound of breaking glass through a megaphone, run through a Marshall Plexi head set to 11! Fuck I hate him!!!!!!

Okay...I flared again. Sorry.

As I am not a drummer, I can't put a name to the beat that Ulrich repeatedly tries to play on this record. I've always called it a "punk-rock beat". It features a stuttered 16th-note kick, which if not done correctly, sounds like a shoe in a drier. (Track 10 "My Appocolypse", at 30 seconds, most accurately shows this beat) The solo on "This Was Just Your Life" (starting at 4:52) shows how many different ways this drum beat can be fucked up.

How did Rick Ruben let this go? How painful must those sessions have been that these were the BEST takes?

Lars, jam your sticks up your ass and light yourself on fire. Just a suggestion.

I've always said, "I'm not a Metallica fan. I'm a James Hettfield fan". Yeah, not so much anymore. Many of the vocal lines on this album sound like they were improvised. It's like he was just riffin' over music he'd never heard before.

James, go back to writing everything yourself. Eventually, the band will thank you. And by the way, have a drink. Sobriety doesn't sound good on you. How 'bout the 12 steps to writing a decent song? Remember those?

Okay. This time I really think I'm done...with Metallica, that is.