Metallica does right


Apr 28, 2005
Metallica Ponys up reward to find missing girl.

One Of Our Fans Is Missing
10/20/2009 [ back ]

We are deeply concerned about the disappearance of 20 year old Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington, who was last seen while attending our concert at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA, on Saturday night.

Morgan has blonde hair and blue eyes, is 5'6", 120 lbs., and was wearing a black "Pantera" T-shirt, black skirt, and black boots. She was not carrying I.D. or a cell phone. Morgan was separated from her friends shortly before 9pm at the venue. Police have been searching the area since Monday.

We encourage anyone who has any information regarding Morgan's disappearance to please come forward. Additionally, if you or anyone you know shot video footage or took photos of the concert or audience, please check to see if there is anyone in your photos who might resemble Morgan. Please contact the Virginia State Police at (434) 352-3425 or the UVA Police at (434) 352-3467 or if you have any information.

Our thoughts are with Morgan and her family for her safe return.
Ill tell ya man...... having a teenage daughter.... shit like this scares the fuck out of me. I have an internal panic attack every time she walks out the door. Its really gotten to be a dark terrible world we've got goin here. To keep it to the topic, while they coulda certainly offered up more Metallica did a good thing there. Not likely that any reward will ever be paid at this point (that was troubling to type) its still damn commendable that the Metallica camp did this. All good p/r vs bad p/r aside.
These types of things happen all the time they just don't get publicity like this because of Metallica. Don't think this is something new, if you haven't noticed people get abducted everyday in the states. The venue could be blamed too for not letting her back in, stupid fucking rule right there.