Metallica New Bass Player


Katatonia Brasil Staff
Aug 27, 2002
São Paulo - Brazil (BRASIL)
Well, today, Metallica announced their new bass player
The name is Rob Trujillo ex-Suicidal Tendencies.

Well I think this is a good topic for discussion....Do you guys think it was a good choice? Will Rob bring some good to them in the future?

Tell me what you think.....Let's see :)
Originally posted by Dodens Grav
I don't think that he's going to have a large impact on the band, and while I do not think he was the best choice in terms of musician, I do feel that overall, it was a good choice. He's a sufficient musician and he's also very well connected with the band. Vibe is very important, and tension and uncomfortable feelings can kill that vibe.

ICouldn't have put it better. Robert will have little to impact in the band. I read their press release. Looking for a "brother" not a replacement?! He's more or less a hired gun for now. He didn't write for the new record & he didn't play on the new record. Hope he works out. I figured, they'd go for Mike Inez or Joey Vera. Either way, a step up from that dogface Newsted.:grin:
Originally posted by coronerox

I was expecting these comments, and I think Dodens Grav said everything....
Anyway Robert is a good bass player, and will work....I think :rolleyes:

But the "brother" and not replacement thing I didn't know......

Yeah. It would be great if they would have him play on at least a couple of tracks....:grin:
And he's a great bassist.
I was "suprised" they went with him though.
Too bad they have 4 shit bands playing before them.
It's just not worth your $ to buy a ticket. That's one expensive "nap!"
Originally posted by coronerox

I was expecting these comments, and I think Dodens Grav said everything....
Anyway Robert is a good bass player, and will work....I think :rolleyes:

But the "brother" and not replacement thing I didn't know......

At least Dave Ellefson is still available in the event that MegaDave ever decides to reform Megadouche...
Originally posted by coronerox
Well that is true.......
Do you think Dave Ellefson would be a better choice?
I don't know. SUre would have been interesting though.
From what people had been posting on various websites they had the following audition(remmeber none had actually confirmed they had):
Joey Vera(who had auditioned way back when they were looking for a replacement for Cliff)
Mike Inez
Robert Trujillo
and the other people mentioned wee Dave Ellefson & the bass player from Kyuss(who's name I can't remember at this time).
Pretty good pool of people.:grin:
Rob is the best choice out of all the guy's I've seen mentioned for trying out for the spot. He couldn't possibly do any more harm to the band, I'll put it that way. I think he is a fucking shredder on the bass, being a huge Suicidal fan. It would be interesting if he did stay on and started writing with them, what would be produced? Metallica with slap bass?? :lol:

After finding a fitting bass'st, all they need now is a new drummer.
Nested Tables said:
Scott Reeder.
Rob is the best choice out of all the guy's I've seen mentioned for trying out for the spot. He couldn't possibly do any more harm to the band, I'll put it that way. I think he is a fucking shredder on the bass, being a huge Suicidal fan. It would be interesting if he did stay on and started writing with them, what would be produced? Metallica with slap bass?? :lol:

After finding a fitting bass'st, all they need now is a new drummer

That's the guy! Scott Reeder! I don't know if they need a new drummer.
Lars still has his chops. And NUMETAL?! I hope not, but then again they have pulled a fast one on us before. I hope they comeback with something that kicks the NUMETAL bands to the curb....