Robert Trujillo joins Metallica

the Cap'n can Crunch on this
*points down*
Jaymz cleaned up his life... Lars looks 70, because hes not 20 anymore, let Kirk look how he wants. during Woodstock 94, he had the worst haircut ever. Trujillo is an awesome bassist, whom i met in Asbury Park, NJ when i saw BLS on September 21, 2002. he will add an interesting element to Metallica, and I can't wait to see how he played the For Whom The Bell Tolls intro
Great bass player, but the band is dead, really dead...

now everyone knows what exploiation of a band is about ...
I still think Metallica has one good ol' Thrash album in them, then call it quits. I don't think St. Anger will be that album... but anyway, St. Anger will probably be their best release in the past decade... keep in mind that only really consists of Load and Reload.

Should be intresting with Trujillo in... It'd be nice if they re-record the Bass so he gets to be on the album. They still got plenty of time until St. Angers release, right?
Unless of course they turn the Bass down. I mean, it would be his first 'Tallica album...
On a side not, it would be nice if they made a remastered '...And Justice For All'. Like hell that'd happen though
Suicidal Tendencies

I am unfamiliar with

where do I begin?
hmmmm...they started out as kind of punky, I think they used to call them "skatecore"...but they moved into metal, I believe if I was to recommend a cd I would pick "The Art of Rebellion"...
lizard, that's beyond funny. that's not funny at all.... :s

tell him about the tune "bring me down" , you/can't bring/me/down/bringmedown......" with an amazing beginning: what the hell is goin' on around here?

smurfie....i like it


"The Art of Rebellion" fantastic

"How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can'T Even Smile Today" (1988) is my favourite...big differnece from join the army...emmm
Originally posted by lizard
okay, one more before I pretend to be working.

this one is called "how icemakers really work," and should be of interest to Retarded Penguin"


In semi-related news:

JASON NEWSTED To Audition For OZZY OSBOURNE! - Feb. 26, 2003

In what could turn out to be a bizarre game of musical chairs, former METALLICA bassist Jason Newsted is set to audition for the slot in OZZY OSBOURNE's band left vacant by the recent departure of current METALLICA four-stringer Robert Trujillo, a spokesperson for Newsted has told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. Newsted, who is already confirmed to appear at this year's Ozzfest as a member of VOIVOD, reportedly got a call from the OSBOURNE camp asking him to come down and "jam" with the rest of OZZY's band, which presently includes drummer Mike Bordin (ex-FAITH NO MORE) and guitarist Zakk Wylde (BLACK LABEL SOCIETY). In related news, VOIVOD are in talks with SEPULTURA to team up for a month-long North American tour beginning on April 17 in Seattle. Exact dates and venues will be announced soon.

Suicidal Tendencies... "Institutionalized"... that song always cheers me up when I hear it. The video is amusing, too. Oh, fuck, I just remembered that ST were one of the bands I was going to recommend to Amos. Suicidal Tendancies and Amen. Damn good hardcore bands.