Metallica were on the Simpsons

Jeff Milne

Oct 29, 2002
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For those who didn't see it. When Metallica's tour bus broke down [I know they mostly fly, but not on the Simpsons] Otto stops the school bus, gets out, offers them a ride, and while he's doing so Bart steals the school bus. There's not much else to it, but we do hear Master Of Puppets briefly.
That was a great way to start the new season of The Simpsons. Otto's just about my favorite character on that show. In fact, many people seem to think that I look and act kind of like him. We're both knucklehead rockers who refuse to grow up. I loved it a few seasons ago when he was at the record store complaining about the "new" music out there. As he's walking away, you can hear "Livin' After Midnight" blaring from his headphones! He's great....