The Simpsons Movie

really good movie. i liked how they tackled all the cliche story's we see like twice a season but just upped the scale.

(except for lisa, her's felt a bit weak)

it was a simpsons episode on a much larger scale! (and that gorge set up was brilliant)
I went in with low expectations and left with my sides hurting, Bart's skateboard scene was especially funny (don't comment if you've seen the movie because it would ruin one of the funniest parts for those who haven't seen it)... anyway I will see it a couple more times for sure
I haven't been a fan of The Simpsons for ages, but I have nothing better to do today, so I'm gonna go see it tonight. Alone... like a fag. :D
i'm dying to see it today, however the biggest problem is my town is mostly filled with parents with young kids who think since its animated, its a good movie to bring your 6 or 8 year old too. this means they're going to laugh obnoxiously loud every single time homer says d'oh or something happens but not any of the real jokes. normally i wouldn't be bugged by this but all the shows will probably be sold out with them and it'll be so loud i'll probably barely be able to hear the movie over talking and laughing. it looks awesome though.

Haha, that's pretty much what it was like when we saw it. On the upside, though, nobody objected to us drinking quietly. That only bettered the experience.

Although, there's still a small part of me that was hoping for something more. Yet, it hardly matters when the movie is that good. :)

I went in with low expectations and left with my sides hurting, Bart's skateboard scene was especially funny (don't comment if you've seen the movie because it would ruin one of the funniest parts for those who haven't seen it)... anyway I will see it a couple more times for sure

Hahaha, oh aye. Surprised they had the baws, no pun intended, to get that into a PG-rated flick.