Metalsearcher - submit your site


Defining Darkness
May 25, 2001
Hails people.

In order to accomodate the apparent need for one, we are in the
progress of creating a search engine dealing only with metal related

The admin and submit functions are now completed. If you have a metal
site and want more public exposure, then please do both yourself and
us a favor and submit your site to the engine. That way we will have
more data to beta test with, and your site will get more visitors
when the site is launched.

Comments, suggestions for improvements etc. are extremely welcome.
This is meant to be a site gathering all the threads of metal, making
it easy for fans and musicians to find what they are looking for
easily and conveniently.

The URL:


Jacob Avlund / void?

(This has been posted a few other places - you may have seen it before. I apologize for any inconvenience this may result in.)
We're working hard on promoting the engine and coding the search system. It has to be thought completely through, so the process is still a bit underways, but hopefully it will be launched within a period from fourteen days from now and upto a month. It has been underways for a while, but it is nearing its completion soon.

Please spread the word... the more the merrier.