Metalway Fest review (Nevermore, Brainstorm, ...)

Ummmm - English por favor?


NEVERMORE era sin duda uno de los mayores atractivos en este Metalway, la banda liderada por el cantante Warrell Dane es de esas que no se prodigan en sus venidas a la Península, así que se congrego un buen numero de gente cuando los estadounidenses se disponían a comenzar su concierto.

Algunos de los presentes se sorprendieron al ver al guitarrista Chriss Broderick de Jag Panzer con la banda, Chriss ha tenido que sustituir al habitual Steve Smyth debido a los graves problemas de salud que acucian al genial guitarrista de NEVERMORE. Hemos de decir que Chriss cumplió perfectamente con el papel encomendado y solo los más fans de la banda se dieron cuenta de esta suplencia.


“Final product” y “I voyager” fueron el pistoletazo de salida a la que siguió “The river dragon has come” y “Egnimes of hate” en un perfecto repaso a sus tres últimos discos. “Siguieron con “Dead heart in a dead World”, tema que da titulo a su álbum de 2000 dejando maravillados por su poderío técnico y fuerza metálica a la mayoría de la gente que les observaba, eso si, hay que decir que si NEVERMORE no son tu banda, tal vez en directo te puedan resultar algo pesados, muy especialmente si no conoces los temas, es difícil que te entren fácilmente si les ves en directo sin haber escuchado los temas antes, pero es que debería ser obligatorio para todo amante de las buenas guitarras y del Metal en general conocer canciones como “Enemies of reallity” y alucinar con el dialogo de guitarras que nos presentaron sobre el escenario Chriss Broderick y Jeff Loomis, asombrosa demostración de capacidad técnica y virtuosismo.

Una algo ruidosa –culpa de algún problema de la mesa- “Narcosynthesis” (cuarta del álbum “Dead heart in a dead World” dio paso a la perfección hecha Metal: “This Godless endeavor y sus casi nueve minutos de duración con pasajes épicos y varias transiciones musicales que ayudan a formar una atmósfera especial, es una delicia para los oídos. Como contraste, y para cerrar, otra de su último y aclamado trabajo de estudio, en esta ocasión nos ofrece la versión más veloz de NEVERMORE, “Born”.

(Autor: Iraultza)

NEVERMORE was without a doubt one of greater the attractiveness in this Metalway, the band led by the singer Warrell Dane is of whom they are not extended in his comings to the Peninsula, so I congregate a good one I number of people when the Americans arranged themselves to begin their concierto.Algunos of the presents were surprised when seeing the guitarist Chriss Broderick de Jag Panzer with the band, Chriss has had to replace the habitual Steve Smyth due to the serious problems of health that urge the brilliant guitarist of NEVERMORE. We have to say that Chriss perfectly fulfilled the entrusted paper and single the pluses fans of the band realized this suplencia.

"Final product" and "Is to voyager" went the pistol shot from exit to which followed "The to river dragoon you have eats" and "Egnimes of hate" in a perfect review to their three last discs. "They followed with" Dead heart in a dead World ", subject that it gives I title to its album of 2000 leaving astonished by its technical power and metallic force to most of the people whom it observed to them, that if, it is necessary to say that if NEVERMORE are not your band, perhaps in direct you they can be something heavy, very specially if you do not know the subjects, is difficult that they enter to you easily if you see them in direct without have listened to the subjects before, but is that it would have to be obligatory for all lover of the good guitars and the Metal in general to know songs like" Enemies of reallity "and to hallucinate with I engage in a dialog of guitars that presented/displayed to us on the scene Chriss Broderick and Jeff Loomis, amazing demonstration of technical capacity and virtuosismo.Una something noisy - fault of some problem of the table "Narcosynthesis" (fourth of the album "Dead heart in a dead World" perfectly took step made Metal: "This endeavor Godless and his almost nine minutes of duration with épicos passages and several musical transitions that help to form a special atmosphere, are a delight for the ears. As it contrasts, and to close, other of its last one and acclaimed work of study, in this occasion offers the quickest version to us of NEVERMORE, "Born".

did the best i could with translator
que paso con los nombres? :guh: WarreLL, ChriSS.. not a word about Jimm... :zzz:

hey, Conquer All, nice that you ... umm.. translated it. :)
yo hablo un poco espanol.
I read the review in spanish and i understood most of it by context and instinct (some words are the same in romanian too)+one year of taking spanish in highschool last year.

And the translator indeed sucks, big time.
I wonder if the "alucinar con el dialogo de guitarras que nos presentaron sobre el escenario Chriss Broderick y Jeff Loomis, asombrosa demostración de capacidad técnica y virtuosismo." will be posted on youtube if someone filmed it. The setlist was OK.
to answer your question tee, the spaniards, no le gusta wd, jim and van. Ellos le gusta mucho la guitarras as you can see

i hope i don't fail spanish next year:lol:
lordofthesewers said:
yo hablo un poco espanol.
I read the review in spanish and i understood most of it by context and instinct (some words are the same in romanian too)+one year of taking spanish in highschool last year.

And the translator indeed sucks, big time.
I wonder if the "alucinar con el dialogo de guitarras que nos presentaron sobre el escenario Chriss Broderick y Jeff Loomis, asombrosa demostración de capacidad técnica y virtuosismo." will be posted on youtube if someone filmed it. The setlist was OK.
to answer your question tee, the spaniards, no le gusta wd, jim and van. Ellos le gusta mucho la guitarras as you can see

i hope i don't fail spanish next year:lol:
your last paragraph was incorrect sir.

No les gustan WD, Jim y Van. Ellos les gustan las guitarras muchas.

2 years of spanish in middle school. going into spanish 2 honors next year :D
lordofthesewers said:
to answer your question tee, the spaniards, no le gusta wd, jim and van. Ellos le gusta mucho la guitarras as you can see
no me importa quienes son los que le gustan... :p it's the letters mann... wtf, Chrisssss? o_O
Keep Jeff Waters and Jeff Loomis away from each other.

I smell another Biggie/Tupac situation brewin. :(