Metric Halos Channel Strip

James Murphy said:
straight to you from NAMM... Waves just introduced the SSL 4000 collection including the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor, the SSL G-Equalizer, and the SSL E-Channel, fully authorized by Solid Stage Logic, in both TDM and Native versions.
Something in my pants went stiff all of a sudden. I'm off to the bathroom to check what it is... (lemme see how much money I have left in my bank account... D'OH!) :yell:
In Logic I like to have the drums on 2 Auxes with the input from the drum buss (set to 'no output'). Then Aux 1 would have very light compression but on Aux 2 the drums would be compressed very severly to the point of oblivion and then slowly faded in under the lightly compressed Channel. Just make sure you use identical plugins on each Aux channel so as to avoid phasing. Sounds awsome :hotjump:
Genius Gone Insane said:
So just to double check: it's not going to kill the drums if you compress, say, the kick drums once on their own, then again in the drum bus, and then again in the final master?

Here's a clip of something I'm working on. Not metal, but I think it's a better example of this topic than me ranting aimlessly.

Here's the drum buss with no compression:

Here's the drum buss with the wannabe ssl setting I posted above:

I'm reducing by about 3db with the comp then using the make-up gain to add 3db on output.

The difference is really subtle. The compression glues it together and kind of keeps it from getting too flabby. I'm going for "big rock" so the kick and snare are a little Pyromania. Haha.

I didn't compress any of the individual tracks by more than 3db except for a room mic that I crushed with a UAD 1176 then blended in.

There's an Inflator on the 2buss just for a level boost, not compressing (yet).

edit: Just updated the files. A little de-essing of cymbals running amok and balancing room mics. Yawn.
black sugar said:
I'll second that. Something SSL-ish for metal, 1176 for pretty much everything else.

Since there's really no SSL dynamics clone plugin for PC (VST) yet, as far as I know, you can kinda sorta get there with Charles "Livin' La Vida Loca" Dye's Waves RenComp mix buss setting of all things:

Electro mode, character Smooth, ARC off, Ratio = 2:1, Attack = 4, Release = approx. 250-300 (set about to 8th note).

Slam to taste, but be sure you're still leaving some "air" in the kit.

THEN... Slap on the free Colortone plugin from TriTone Digital. Select the SSL channel impulse and crank the "color" up all the way.

I actually just started fucking around with this, so... YMMV.

Sorry for the hi-jack, Razor. I don't know shit about the MHCS. :p

been playing around with this idea recently, not sure if i like it or not yet tho :)
Mike Wead said:
Very cool stuff...I hope.

Hi Andy and James and all the rest of you guys at this
excellent forum,happy to finally have found it! :)

Mike W

Nice to have you aboard Mike, I love your work with KD, we hope to be hearing more from you here!

Where can I hear clips of this Memento Mori that EtherForBreakfast speaks of? Very interested.