Meyvn 'Splintered Skies' available in Chain Stores


Nov 14, 2005
By the end of next week you will be able to purchase Meyvn's awesome debut 'Splintered Skies' :rock: is being distributed nationally at Best Buy, FYE, Circuit City, Borders and Amazon- you can pre-order now- but just so you know most of these sites have misspelled Meyvn and made it Mevyn:rolleyes:
any chance that there will be a sticker on the album "appearing at texas madfest 2007" since that would really help ticket sales I would imagine.
any chance that there will be a sticker on the album "appearing at texas madfest 2007" since that would really help ticket sales I would imagine.

I concur, that would be really sweet! However I don't think that any of the discs have been marked with such a tag. I imagine that the discs have already been shipped to the distributors, but perhaps it's not too late....?

Okay finally! Meyvn's stunning debut album 'Splintered Skies' is now out in the chain stores. ( Best Buy, FYE, Borders, Circuit City, Sam Goody, Amazon, Suncoast and

"Meyvn… damn… these guys can play. They play a style that mixes Agent Steel, Watchtower Symphony X, early Nevermore and early Queensryche or put in other words Power Progressive Thrash. Awesome riffs and blistering are bound to rock any metalheads world."
Intromental Webzine

"Meyvn are five absolute lunatics from Texas, showing their skills by playing very intensive metal performed on a very high level. Put Dream Theater, Dillinger Escape Plan and Dragonforce in a blender, add a bit of Atheist and Watchtower and there you are: a spicy glass of Meyvn drink."
Lords Of Metal

"Meyvn trade in aggressive, progressive metal of the highest quality for the cultured mind and if you were captivated by early Queensryche then 'Splintered Skies' should comfortably find a place in your collection."
Zero Tolerance

"Each of the players is a master of his instrument. Fingers run across strings, up and down fret boards and atop keys with the greatest of ease and stunning results"
Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles
"Splintered Skies" is an accomplished album from a very talented band. Its secret weapon may end up being the act's strong sense of melody, which is a good sign for future releases."

"An impressive vocal range, blinding speed and precision on guitar and an amazing rhythm section make Meyvn a top-ranking contender destined to be heard worldwide."
Explicitly Intense

"This is American quality metal of the highest level possible! This is pure class!"
Aardschok Magazine

"Meyvn. They rock! Crazy, hi-tech, You Tube-ready, guitar solos-dizzying friggin' solos-insanely catchy chorsues, and enough good ideas and fresh takes on progressive metal to fill three albums."
Decibel Magazine

