MH Channel Strip vs ?????

Chris Lucas

Dec 4, 2006
So I know Andy used to use this all the time a few years back, and I was wondering if anyone has come up with a better package in 2 or less plugins?

I've been using the DMG-Equality eq for a lot of stuff, but I just really like the compressor for drums and what not that's in MH-Channel strip.

Any suggestions?
I use the MH-CHS every day.
Not really found much that has the complete package that it gives.

ProC / ProQ are there for anything that MH doesn't give me (surgical EQ or less-warm compression).
What about the SSL Duende Native plugins? The SSL Channel Strip is great on drums, especially the compressor, simple to use too.
What about the SSL Duende Native plugins? The SSL Channel Strip is great on drums, especially the compressor, simple to use too.

I can't use the MHCS yet....but imo the SSL Duende CS is the closest thing to it as far as that nice snare smack. It's the main snare comp on all my stuff.
Have you tried McDSP Channel G ?
Give the demo a go and if you like it buy my Channel G Compact advertised in the for sale section ;)

Im a fan of channel G (i have the full fat version now so dont need the compact),
The new PT10 channel Strip is awesome (especially for the gate) and i love Focusrite Forte Suite too its an oldy but a goody (especially for snares).
What about the SSL Duende Native plugins? The SSL Channel Strip is great on drums, especially the compressor, simple to use too.

big +1 for the duende native plugs. Ive also heard a lot of good things about DNR collaborative mixcontrol pro but have yet to try it myself..
SSL Channelstrips have been my bread and butter for years. Started with the Waves, and now with Duende. I prefer the UI of the Waves one greatly, but Duende sounds a little more analogue/warm to me. It's a whole lot more tweakable too. Never used MHCS, but these would be your regular equivalents.

eQuality is the shiz. The most used plug-in on my sessions, by far. The UI and workflow on that one is orgasmic.
SSL Channelstrips have been my bread and butter for years. Started with the Waves, and now with Duende. I prefer the UI of the Waves one greatly, but Duende sounds a little more analogue/warm to me. It's a whole lot more tweakable too. Never used MHCS, but these would be your regular equivalents.

eQuality is the shiz. The most used plug-in on my sessions, by far. The UI and workflow on that one is orgasmic.

They seem rather similar to the Fab Filter plugins in features. How do they compare?
I've been neglecting my MH recentlt other than the gate which is incredible for other things.
Time to dig it back out. A few years back I only owned this and Oxford Eq. Made A lot of records with those plugins!.
When you guys use MH on drums, do you usually use the smooth setting or the warm/fast one? The smooth one let's so much attack through, and seems much louder, even if you set the attack to like 30ms and switch between warm and smooth, the transients are a ton more punchy with smooth, not sure why,