Mic isolation panel


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010

I'm thinking about getting one of these instrument/vocal isolation panels for my untreated office-PC-studio room such as this:


or this:


Considering the fact my projects are small, and I might need to track just this occasional acoustic guitar/vocals I would appreciate your opinions how does this compared to the real thing.

If it's good enough for Ihsahn, it should be good enough for smaller scale stuff. Right?

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I think most say it does work, to a degree, but it's overpriced as fuck. I'd rather spend the dough on acoustic foam and just treat the room as best I could.
It won't fix the problems of an untreated room. Yeah, it reduces the reflections coming from the back of the mic, but that's pretty much it. The only times I've found one useful have been separating the vocals and the acoustic guitar when micing one person doing both simultaneously and using it below an U87 that was placed near the floor as an ambience mic just in case 'cause the shock mount looked like it would fall apart any moment.

I'd go as far as to say you're better off just hanging some mattresses strategically around the vocalist.
Isn't it supposed to surround the microphone from three directions and not just the back? The way Insahn uses it makes no sense for me.
I've seen it used to shield the hihats from the snaremic as well, has anybody tried that?
I don't think you can fit that on a drum kit. the filter is too big and heavy to place it in between the snare and the toms and the hh.

i have one, and i love it. for vocals is amazing. I've recorded some vocals in the control room with great results. and at a friends house too. you get pretty much the best sound from your mic with that thing, without reflections or anything else that's untreated in your room.

I agree with Jarkko, this wont fix the problems you might have in your room. But they wont be noticeable when you use it to record vocals.