Mic positioning


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2003
When recording guitars, what sort of mic position do you use? And does it vary by the size of the cab you use? I seem to only get a nasty sound like it's got weird phasing on it or something from my lil' 1x10 combo, but similar mic positioning gives a less phased sound from my 4x12...

I've read pages all over the net regarding 'correct' mic positioning for guitars, but none of them seem to yield the results I want. Probably doesn't help that at home I'm using rubbish equipment, but the more info the merrier ;)


- Jez
Best way to find a good position is to have a mate mov the mic around while you listen thro ear phones to what the mic is hearing. Its the best way otherwise its just a case of trial and error. Move it see how it sounds until you get what you want. I normally have more than one mic on the cab and a room mic aswell.
What sound are you looking for? I'm sure you've read about the proximity effect of dynamic mics. Closer to the speaker the more bass and all that.

Anyways hope I've helped