Mic Pre questions

I like my API A2D, but I honestly don't think it makes much of a difference. I knew I only needed 2 channels and figured I would just get it to know I have quality pres and converters based on reputation and just be done with it.

Buy what you can. It's not worth too much stressing and planning if it's going to take you longer than you want to wait to get the money.
You can't go wrong with API, they're excellent pres. They're not overly colored but they definitely have their "thing" going on, and they sound great on everything (My 3124 is my go-to pre on snare, overheads, acoustic guitar, percussion, vocals, and occasionally electric guitar and bass).

Most of the pres others have posted (Neve, Manley, UA, Chandler, BAE, Daking, Focusrite ISA, etc.) are great too. Once you get to the higher quality level pres there isn't a ton of difference.
lol to each his own i guess.

Granted, if i had the money to chose between all those preamps and the ISA, i'd probably chose a whole bunch of other preamps before i did the ISA. On a budget though, they're really not bad pre's.

+1. I really like my 428. For the price you can pick them up used for, there's nothing even close. Sound great with an SM7b on vocals, the DIs are great and I know several pro studios who prefer them on many parts of drum kits over much more expensive pres. API and Neve are great if you can afford them, but there's nothing wrong with the ISA line.