Mic Selection


Jun 17, 2004
My band plans to record soon and we're going to record on our computer. We have to get a mic for guitars and vocals, and also a mixer for this. (We plan to use a drum machine for the drums). The two mics that we picked out are:

AKG Perception 100 Condenser Mic

Sure sm 57 mic

And since we don't plan on useing a ton of mics which mixer would be best? Also a sound card is possible for us. Any suggestons for that would be great. Are overall price range is $400 (for everything). Any suggestiongs would be great. Thank you.
Man... Please, try to find some of the things you ask by yourself sometimes, it's a bit annoying when you ask EVERYTHING, really, especially when there's no possible answer to your questions. Don't take it badly really, but, I mean, "what is the difference between a m-audio soundcard and audigy 2"... Oh my God !!! There are a lot of m-audio soundcards, so go to m-audio website, and see it for yourself. Fly by your own wings little padawan ;)
Mendel said:
what's like the difference between a m-audio soundcard and audigy 2 . . . .?

The guy above is right. But to get you in the right direction; M-Audio cards are pretty good (Audiophile 2496 is great bang for the buck if you need no more than 2 in/out, Delta 1010LT if you need up to 8 in/out.), and Audigy cards suck. Don't ever ever EVER get fooled by Soundblasters marketing; their cards are NOT for making music.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Man... Please, try to find some of the things you ask by yourself sometimes, it's a bit annoying when you ask EVERYTHING, really, especially when there's no possible answer to your questions. Don't take it badly really, but, I mean, "what is the difference between a m-audio soundcard and audigy 2"... Oh my God !!! There are a lot of m-audio soundcards, so go to m-audio website, and see it for yourself. Fly by your own wings little padawan ;)

your right. sorry