Michael Amott about new ARCH ENEMY and THE HAUNTED


Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
Michael Amott, mastermind of Swedish gods Arch Enemy, said about their new yet-untitled album:
"We've got nine or ten songs.It's sounding really heavy. We want it to be more intense than the last record. We've seen with a lot of other bands that are considered to be our peers, I think they kind of seem to be going in a softer direction. I haven't heard much, but the odd track on a sampler or whatever, what people have told me, they've gone in that direction. So yeah, we just want to keep it intense. But its just going to be the same kind of progression we've had with every album. We just kind of pour all our creativity into it without really thinking about it too much. But we'll basically stay heavy and intense".

Besides this Amott has laid down a guest solo on the new THE HAUNTED CD, tentatively titled "One Kill Wonder". He said about this coperative: "That was really cool. Their new album is sounding frighteningly good [laughs]. That was pretty scary, but I enjoyed playing on that. Me and Anders [Björler], the lead guitar player, traded off a bit, all in all a fun Sunday afternoon in the studio".

Official website: www.archenemy.net