Michael Angelo Batio - Double Guitar solo


Jan 18, 2005

check out the video. some of you might have seen it, some might have not. i think it's fairly recent

sure, you could say most of it is complete wank, but I think it's cool none the less. I mean, if I did all those hammer-ons, my fingers would fall off. it's sweet how he can play fast on the left guitar or play any of what he does actually. I also like some of the melodies he makes using both guitars at the same time.

and towards the end he plays riffs from smoke on the water and crazy train

good video wish i could do single handed playing like he does

although if i was doing it on a double guitar i'd use minor harmonies instead :p

hell i'd play slayer - rainning blood on it :p
Caution: Bad response ahead

Michael Angelo Batio is boring kind of cool to watch but the rhythm guitar stuff sucks and his leads are predictable and boring, if technical. I actually kind of hate his playing. No Boundries is a good exercise for learning some shredding techniques but that's about it.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Caution: Bad response ahead

Michael Angelo Batio is boring kind of cool to watch but the rhythm guitar stuff sucks and his leads are predictable and boring, if technical. I actually kind of hate his playing. No Boundries is a good exercise for learning some shredding techniques but that's about it.

Sinister Mephisto said:
Caution: Bad response ahead

Michael Angelo Batio is boring kind of cool to watch but the rhythm guitar stuff sucks and his leads are predictable and boring, if technical. I actually kind of hate his playing. No Boundries is a good exercise for learning some shredding techniques but that's about it.

predictable no, all the rest maybe