Michael " Guns are Evil" Moore's bodyguard arrested on gun charge


Feb 21, 2003
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hey isn't this the same asshole who made bowling for columbine saying america was gun crazy, and guns are evil, and americans are gun-toting morons etc...???? well his bodyguard only had a permit to carry it in two states and new york wasnt one of them. why would his bodyguard need to carry around a gun??? can you say hypocri...... i mean patriotic american. sorry.
Ragamuffin said:
Obviously this makes Moore a hypocrite because...uh...


Shut the hell up now.

he is a hypocrite because his entire movie slams gun owners and the united states for being guncrazy and he is ( used to be) a member of the nra. that is the definition of being a hypocrit you moron. you shut the hell up now fucker
Actually, being a member of the NRA makes him not a hypocrite but a knowledgeable spokesman on the issue. I'm not exactly sure what a hypocritt is though. The man is a bodyguard, his job is to protect Moore and his family, in a nation of gun owners who have made threats against him, specifically to shoot him.
Ragamuffin said:
Actually, being a member of the NRA makes him not a hypocrite but a knowledgeable spokesman on the issue. I'm not exactly sure what a hypocritt is though. The man is a bodyguard, his job is to protect Moore and his family, in a nation of gun owners who have made threats against him, specifically to shoot him.
oh i see, when he needs to protect himself guns are fine, but when i or other americans try to protect ourselves with a gun we are part of a culture of fear and violence, so its only acceptable to own a gun if you have gotten death threats??? when a left-winger is in the nra they are knowledgeable spokesmen or citizens, but right-wingers in the nra are paranoid gun-toting rednecks right??
his whole movie is about how evil and pointless guns are, its just a little bit ironic dont you think?
First of all and a) I never once agreed with Moore in Bowling for Columbine.

Secondly and b) Your left/right redneck/spokesman thing is ridiculous and not even worth talking about. You're taking one person and using it to personify everyone who may believe the same as them politically? Just...no. Come on now. Think brutha.

Now, on to the real issue. Moore, in his movie, posed the idea that maybe this country was too gun obsessed, making the weapons too easy to get and available to people with little or no training. I personally disagreed with him, but that's not the point. In his stating this he angered these gun toting rednecks you so lovingly bring up. Angered them so much they threatened his life. He later angered them more when he 'attacked' their boy W. The two of those things together got the man a slew of death threats against himself and his family. He hired bodyguards, as is his right, and I dare say his duty. One of the men he hired, who is a trained profesional in the use of firearms and thusly not one of the people Moore was saying shouldn't be allowed a weapon, let some permits lapse or some other beuracratic nonsense. How, exactly, does that make Moore a hypocrite?
whatever dude, go smoke some crack with td, what makes moore the authority on who should and who shouldnt own firearms? in his movie he is anti-gun/ guns are evil/ our society is dangerously infatuated with firearms/ all guns must be y=taken off the streets and america will be a utopia loved by the world, and his bodyguards are packin', that is hypocritical......thats it.
Moore is a disqusting, lying, no good piece of trash but I can't exactly call him a hypocrit on this one even though I'd really like to. I mean who among us can't afford to have armed bodyguards to protect ourselves anyway?
Firstly and a) (<--Sorry, I had to do it. redundant=funny) If everyone thought like Darby's Dad we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Secondly and b) I think from the words of Doc Holiday in Tombstone fit best here "His hypocrisy (so we have the correct spelling-I spell checked it) knows no bounds."

thirdly and c) let's not forget that we are dealing with Hollywood here. These may be "documentaries" that Michael Moore is making, but the goal is the almighty dollar. If he swayed the fence he wouldn't make any money. Therefore, we must treat these "documentaries" as learning one point of view. Like Fahrenheit 911. We get Georgie's view all day in todays media and we got to see an extreme alter view. It's all about educating yourself and making an educated decision.

Forthly but not lastly I really prefer to talk about sex, beer and Rock-n-Roll. Cheers, Timmy!
Ragamuffin said:
Actually, being a member of the NRA makes him not a hypocrite but a knowledgeable spokesman on the issue. I'm not exactly sure what a hypocritt is though. The man is a bodyguard, his job is to protect Moore and his family, in a nation of gun owners who have made threats against him, specifically to shoot him.
What he said. However "guns are for the weak" Henry Rollins.
I agree Prime..If you have that big of a problem with someone that you HAVE to resort to violence then do it with your fists. Have you ever seen Henry do his stand up matieral? I saw him in East Lansing and it was a little short of amazing. I had front row seats and was like 2 feet from him. That guy is an awesome story teller!!!!
Never in Bowling For Columbine does he say guns should be outlawed. He may hint at it, but he never says it. The movies main point was that it's too easy for unqualified people to get guns.

I'm someone who hated the movie completley, but if you're going to try to argue, at least know what you're talking about.
Skorned1 said:
Forthly but not lastly I really prefer to talk about sex, beer and Rock-n-Roll. Cheers, Timmy!

I wish I got more phone calls at work with topics like these. Especially, with a hottie on the other end of the line. ;)
Ragamuffin said:
Never in Bowling For Columbine does he say guns should be outlawed. He may hint at it, but he never says it. The movies main point was that it's too easy for unqualified people to get guns.

I'm someone who hated the movie completley, but if you're going to try to argue, at least know what you're talking about.
oh well he doesnt actually say it but he hints at it huh? excuse me all over the place. yeah sure thing. the whole movie is an anti-gun propaganda piece, but since he never actually says guns should be outlawed, i dont know what im talking about??? he just hints... ok. liberal logic at its finest folks!!!! what does your dnc talking point sheet tell you to say next???