Michael " Guns are Evil" Moore's bodyguard arrested on gun charge

Michael Moore is a card carrying, meeting attending member of the NRA, he also owns quit a few guns. I guess you missed the point of Bowling for Columbine, but I am not going to debate this point because its pointless. His bodyguard getting arrested for failing to have the proper permit does not make him any way a hypocrit, or did you miss that lesson as well.

ivankoloff said:
hey isn't this the same asshole who made bowling for columbine saying america was gun crazy, and guns are evil, and americans are gun-toting morons etc...???? well his bodyguard only had a permit to carry it in two states and new york wasnt one of them. why would his bodyguard need to carry around a gun??? can you say hypocri...... i mean patriotic american. sorry.
Hey Ivan how about shutting the fuck up this is not a Michael Moore forum it is an ANTHRAX forum.....why the hell is this even being discussed...Go take your beef with Michael Moore and send HIM an email about how you feel...You just sound like a pretentious prick. Now back on topic I am going to get drunk and watch MOMD and check out that drum solo that I haven't seen yet. Then I am going to watch all the Pantera videos:headbang: :headbang:
Micheal moore is a disgusting piece of pig shit, who should have his balls cut off with a rusty dull spoon and dangled in front of him while fire ants eat his feet and fat black men fuck him in the ass.
Again Ivan, you are so wrong. The point of the film is, WHY is America so gun crazy, why does America have the highest gun related incidents in the world, and WHY did 2 teenage boys go on a rampage and kill their classmates. Next time you watch something and want to comment on in here are some simple steps

1) Remove head from ass
2)put down the bong
3) pay attention
4)if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, shut the fuck up, ask questions, and dont make yourself look like an idiot that doesnt have a clue what he is bitching about.

Bye Bye IVAN, you bore me with your stupidity and ignorance.

ivankoloff said:
oh well he doesnt actually say it but he hints at it huh? excuse me all over the place. yeah sure thing. the whole movie is an anti-gun propaganda piece, but since he never actually says guns should be outlawed, i dont know what im talking about??? he just hints... ok. liberal logic at its finest folks!!!! what does your dnc talking point sheet tell you to say next???
Micheal moore is a disgusting piece of pig shit, who should have his balls cut off with a rusty dull spoon and dangled in front of him while fire ants eat his feet and fat black men fuck him in the ass.

Again, seriously, go hug someone. Lie to some chick about how sensitive you are AND GET LAID!
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Again Ivan, you are so wrong. The point of the film is, WHY is America so gun crazy, why does America have the highest gun related incidents in the world, and WHY did 2 teenage boys go on a rampage and kill their classmates. Next time you watch something and want to comment on in here are some simple steps

1) Remove head from ass
2)put down the bong
3) pay attention
4)if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, shut the fuck up, ask questions, and dont make yourself look like an idiot that doesnt have a clue what he is bitching about.

Bye Bye IVAN, you bore me with your stupidity and ignorance.
which is why you replied twice to the post. i posted it because i knew it would get the democrats on this board pissed off because anyone who disagrees with them is a moron with his head up his ass. and you think freedom of speech applies only to the speech that AGREES WITH YOU. it is very easy to get a democrats panties in a twist, and you are proving my point. instead of debate facts you get emotional and fly off the handle because facts rarely support your arguments.:cry:
if his film deals with WHY AMERICA is gun crazy, then what did wheeling a crippled kid into the headquarters of the store that sold bullets do to support that argument. WHY he did it was to invoke emotional responses from bleeding hearts . his exploitation of a handicapped kid explained WHY how???????? you freakin' genius
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Hey Ivan how about shutting the fuck up this is not a Michael Moore forum it is an ANTHRAX forum.....why the hell is this even being discussed...Go take your beef with Michael Moore and send HIM an email about how you feel...You just sound like a pretentious prick. Now back on topic I am going to get drunk and watch MOMD and check out that drum solo that I haven't seen yet. Then I am going to watch all the Pantera videos:headbang: :headbang:
I hope you send this type of response to everyone, since about half of the threads in this anthrax forum have nothing to do with anthrax, have you noticed that???? but i must have said something you disagree with since you probably dont send these messages to everyone who starts a thread not related to anthrax, you fuckin moron.
DarbysDad said:
I wish I got more phone calls at work with topics like these. Especially, with a hottie on the other end of the line. ;)

You could be a phone sex operator! I've always wanted to do that. :devil:
Skorned1 said:
Again, seriously, go hug someone. Lie to some chick about how sensitive you are AND GET LAID!

I have a girlfriend , please feel free to not speak to me. J/K . Some people deserve to be shot ...... he is one.
KY_Fried442 said:
I mean who among us can't afford to have armed bodyguards to protect ourselves anyway?
Everyone can afford protection its called taxes police protect people. Every average joe shouldn't be able to have guns to "protect" themselves. I don't know about you but when I hear about shooting in the area its somebody getting murdered, gang fight or someone robbing a bank. Its not that its too easy to buy a gun but simply too easy for a gun to get in the wrong hands. I think guns should be more like driver lisences if your going to get one you should be trained and be educated on it first.
DanThrax said:
Everyone can afford protection its called taxes police protect people. Every average joe shouldn't be able to have guns to "protect" themselves. I don't know about you but when I hear about shooting in the area its somebody getting murdered, gang fight or someone robbing a bank. Its not that its too easy to buy a gun but simply too easy for a gun to get in the wrong hands. I think guns should be more like driver lisences if your going to get one you should be trained and be educated on it first.

The average Joe does not have full time protection from our tax paid police, I see very few protecting my neck of woods. Police are generally only good for mopping up a crime scene and finding out, if they're lucky who-dunit. Granted there are times when they are in the right place at the right time.

Instead of coming down on myself and other legal and law abiding gun owners lets enforce (something tax paid police are supposed to do) the current laws pertaining to firearms.

Some here have seen pics of my small collection of evil assault rifles and I have just aquired a Glock 23 for my CCW. I need no permit no license to purchase and posess and carry a firearm open or concealled in my state. I am also not required to register any firearm I purchase or posess. In the near future I wont even have to deal with the instant background check when I purchase a firearm.

A thread on Mr Moore is loosly relevant in the recent death of Dimebag. Mr Moores membership in the NRA gives him a vote in all NRA public business it does not make him a hypocrite. If however Moore armed himself to protect his familly he might be acting hypocriticaly.

Hiring a dumbass does not make somebody a hypocrite. Never thought Ild ever defend Asshat Moore.
what i got from the movie was possible answers to the question "why are so many people killed by guns in the US"
At first it seemed like he was saying it was the fact that anyone can own a gun. but then he points out that it's the same in canada but they have a much smaller death toll from guns. then he compares the level of violence in entertainment in both our country and our neighbors to the north. and according to him we're very similar. kids watch the same movies and play the same games. then he compares the news media. and i thought his punchline was that it was the media that keeps us americans scared shitless of eachother and more willing to pull the trigger. He was saying that we as a nation have a problem with the responsibility of owning guns. whereas canadians don't.
I'm not saying I agree with all of this cause i'm not gonna get into flaming I'm just pointing out what the movie was realy about.