"Michael Jackson acquitted of all charges"

Only in America can an obviously insane freak get away with fucking little boys up the ass, and on multiple occasions.
Someone needs to side step the blatantly incompetent judicial system in this country and put about 50 rounds of hot lead into that quasi-monkey's filthy homo carcass.
Darth Kur said:
and put about 50 rounds of hot lead into that quasi-monkey's filthy homo carcass.
and then go to jail for committing first degree murder. how genius. :Smug:

also i don't believe being "weird" is a crime. i'm not defending him, as i don't know if he is innocent or guilty, but these accusations are stupid.
^^^ Shocking. :rolleyes: It's O.J. part II. He's rich and even though he's closer to being a white girl now he was once a my pals so I guess it still counts. With those two credentials in the great United States of ZOG that's a get out of jail free card. So Jacko has a license to go and cornhole as many little white boys as he wants apparently.

Lynch the bastard is the only solution. It's only a crime if your caught. Mikey sure has proven that to us.

crimes are crimes regardless of "getting caught". your logic is again flawed. there are many solutions besides lynching, if he is in fact guilty. and that has not been shown.
Fine...you trust your "flawless" judicial system if you want. Jacko can go on molesting in that case.
Money can buy you out of anything but it can't make you bulletproof. :devil:
Darth Kur said:
Fine...you trust your "flawless" judicial system if you want. Jacko can go on molesting in that case.
Money can buy you out of anything but it can't make you bulletproof. :devil:
its not flawless but it would certainly lock up people like you.
This verdict is absolutely disgusting.. The fucker should have his black n white bollocks chopped straight off then be thrown back out to the media wolves.
Sick sick sick sick...
There`s gotta be more to it.
How could they say that he wasn`t guilty.
Oki the jury members said it wasn`t proof enough, but one of them said he wasn`t certain but he still said not guilty.
Jacko is a weirdo.
But still, he tries to be kind to kids but I guess his sick sick sick mind takes over sometimes.

There`s gotta be something wrong. Who would ever think of change themselves from black to white or white to black or white to yellow and so on..
Now he looks like a monster..

I guess he will be remembered a long time, as a way to scare our children.. Muhahahahahaha..
Here's how it is with the judicial system:

If you don't have the evidence to convince a jury of 12 people that the alleged perpetrator is guilty, you can't expect a conviction, regardless of your opinion of whether or not the person is guilty of something.

This is what happened in the Michael Jackson trial - many on the jury felt he was guilty of something, but the Los Angeles district attorney's office failed to make the case in order to convict him. Thus far, the best witness that the district attorney's office had was the first kid who's not talking since Jacko paid him off with $20 million to keep his mouth shut.

I still think he's guilty - look at the recent press release that he put out stating that he'll no longer be sleeping with young boys.