Michael Kammeyer on french radio !!!!!!!!!


New Metal Member
Jun 19, 2005
Morlaix, France
Waouwwwww amazing, I can't believe it ! I am french and I was totaly astonished when I heard that Michael was going to be on famous french Radio "France Inter", which is really really popular in France and broadcast all over the country. Unfortunetely it was this night and I discover this news only this morning, but thanks god we could re listen this show on their website. For those who don't speak french you should put an hear on it because there is some extract from the forthcoming album.
Waw I m still out of breath, this is fuc... amazing !
Lol I am stupid, I have forgot that the interview was in english, and then there is the translation in french. So Everybody could listen this interview ! :grin:
The questions from the France Inter interviewer were so dumb and cliché at times that it got funny, Olivier Garnier (Replica Records) even tried to make those questions sound less dumb as he was translating them to Michael :tickled:

But hey at least this radio guy is smart enough to recognize he's not knowledgeable about heavy music and most of all he has the guts to play metal on a big national radio, a rarity these days. Very cool.

Well what can I say else, they played some stuff from the new album and it sounds killer once again... good job guys ;)

You can listen to the recorded show here : http://www.tv-radio.com/ondemand/france_inter/ETOILES/ETOILES200601130100.ram
The best one was something involving one of the songs possibly being 'death metal' or something along those lines.

Hillarious but highly interesting stuff.
3 complete song, this is really really cool ! No doubt that "Legend of the bone carver" will be absolutely great, it sounds as good as "melancholy beast" wich was already awesome. My fav one is "What Lies Beyound", but the 2 others are not far