Michael Mills covers Kate Bush - wowsers!


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Some of you may have seen this before, but I had never heard of Michael Mills before he appeared on the latest Ayreon album.

I instantly fell in love with this voice, amazing range and control.

I just stumbled upon a video he posted last month - a cover of the Kate Bush song "Wuthering Heights" - in key! I had never heard the original Kate tune, but now hearing both side by side it's even more amazing lol.

Check it out:


Michael Mills:
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(However, I will agree that any guy who can perform this song well, deserves major respect. Michael Mills' version is good, but it doesn't touch Andre's.)
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Thanks for this. I haven't heard of him either. Dude is hilarious on the video. Can't take anything away from anyone who can do that range.

If more men would do it like Pat Benatar I think it would be even better, because I love her version:


And bonus for giggles, TARJA:


Considering how much of an Angra fan I am, I almost wanna punch you for posting a clip from their infamous worst concert performance ever, where everyone (even Tarja) was off.

:lol: :)
I was kind of curious what the story was on that. I actually hadn't seen it until I started searching for versions for this thread.
I was kind of curious what the story was on that. I actually hadn't seen it until I started searching for versions for this thread.

It was just a bad combination of factors...

- High tensions within the band (certain members weren't speaking at the time)
- Edu's vocal cord problem had reached the worst it's ever been (luckily he has recovered)
- Angra's crew couldn't be used for the festival, and the festival crew they were given was very bad - they ruined their sound, and wound up getting fired immediately after their set. Supposedly, they even shut off the bands' monitors without really knowing what they were doing.

The show was the catalyst for Edu leaving the band (aside from the internal problems, he realized it was really time to go get his voice treated). It was bad. A shame really, considering it was a huge show for them.