Michael Moore: Pathological Liar or Moronic Ideologue?

A Dying Breed said:
Yeah, supporting the war, and/or President Bush, is so popular and cool, especially among young people. Give me a fucking break. Only a Moore supporter would be stupid enough to respond to an onslaught of facts with a rebuttal so utterly shallow and pointless.

Moore's supporters are a big, ignorant batch of bandwagon jumpers who simply refuse to acknowledge facts that don't support their views. (And there are plenty, as any informed person is aware, regardless of where they stand on the political spectrum.) How the fuck is everything 5thSeason posted in refutation of F911 a "ly?" He posted a list of plain, simple facts. The fact that some or all of it was taken off a web page does nothing to change this. It's not "5thSeason's reality," it's just plain fucking reality.

This asshole has openly supported the terrorist insurgency in Iraq, comparing them to the Minutemen of the American Revolution. The Minutemen didn't decapitate prisoners, murder large numbers of their own civilians, or seek to establish a repressive, fundamentalist state, and to compare them to Islamic terrorists is a fucking disgrace. Regardless of whether or not you agreed with the war, how big of an idiot do you have to be to root against your own country? And what does that say for his braindead supporters, the majority of whom probably aren't even aware of these comments from their hero- or simply choose not to acknowledge them. It is amusing that he plays up this phony sympathy for our armed forces and their families at the same time he ridicules them in his film and publically roots for our enemies. Such a great, brave man.

Can't handle the sad truth about this country. No shit. The saddest part is that so many idiots like yourself can't pry your mouths off this trator piece of shit's balls.

Plain, simple, facts should come from a neutral source. 5thSeason's don't. And, BTW, not everyone is as into kissing their country's big, rich, ignorant white ass. Is it more important to root for your own country than to root for the side that has a justified, righteous cause?

Lastly, when and how did Mr. Moore compare the Islamic Terrorists to American minutemen?
AlphaTemplar said:
Plain, simple, facts should come from a neutral source. 5thSeason's don't. And, BTW, not everyone is as into kissing their country's big, rich, ignorant white ass. Is it more important to root for your own country than to root for the side that has a justified, righteous cause?

how can you say the terrorist have a justified, righteous cause ?
Alpha, you're a traitor, but more on that later. Right now let's take a look at your pathetic rebuttal of 5thSeason's post.

"There's an easy alternative to the Saudi Royal Family- it's called creating a positive image of America to the Saudi public. Currently, much of the world sees the US (correctly) as arrogant, stupid, obese, greedy warmongers. Rather than improving the already tenuous relationships between the two countries via respect for Saudi beleifs, monetary aid, and other acts of kindness, Bush's reckless and unilateralistic policies have dashed relationships to an incredible low. As too greater oil prices, a radical Muslim state could very well drive oil prices up, but the impact of an intelligent, democratic regime would likely have very little (if any) impact on oil prices. Ask an economist."

This is some idiotic, fairy-tale bullshit. Acts of kindness, give me a fucking break. We will not appeal to the Saudi public in any way until any and all of our support for Israel stops. To the more radical sections of the population, we won't appeal to them until we're all dead. Respect for Saudi beliefs? Right. That's how we'll improve our "tenuous" relationship with the Saudi government. But wait- I thought we were butt buddies with the Saudi royals? Whoops, a little bit of a contradiction there. And an intelligent, democratic regime won't improve the oil situation? This assertion is completely asinine for reasons that are painfully obvious. Nothing that you stated in this paragraph makes any sense. Moving on...

"and both deserve to be "spurted against". The war on Iraq has cost thousands of lives, and for what purpose? To spend innumerable billions to keep a standing army in Iraq, all the while leaving the US vulnerable at home? The current Iraqi government won't last past a few years until a radical muslim takeover, thanks in large part to the utterly assenine way the wars in Iraq in Afganistan thanks to you-know-who."

Right, thousands of lives, billions of dollars, boohoo. The war in Iraq has not left us, in any way, more vulnerable at home. I don't want to hear about diverted funds or intelligence resources, we've got plenty, this is a typical baseless liberal argument. If your firemen don't have chemical suits, blame your congressmen. As for your radical Muslim takeover, thanks for enlightening all of us with your immense tactical expertise. Besides, a radical Muslim takeover would be a good thing, wouldn't it, what with their just and righteous cause and all. And what the fuck do you mean by "spurted against?" Maybe you really did grab those dudes' asses.

"Meanwhile, the so called "Patriot Act" should in fact be called the "Xenophobe Act" because that's exactly what it is. It does little to catch terrorists, according to Time and The Economist, while frustrating hundreds of thousands of perfectly innocent immigrants. My Spanish teacher (who is Columbian) hasn't visited, or been visited by, her parents since 9/11 because of these uneeded laws, and her mail seems to always be opened already. I also has a remarkable similarity to the infamous Alien and Sedition acts of 1798 (I think)."

You think wrong. The Alien and Sedition acts involved prosecuting and deporting people who talked shit about the government. The Patriot Act gives wider surveillance powers to law enforcement. It does NOT allow the prosecution of dissenters, or any similar nonsense. Please don't be stupid enough not to recognize the distinction, although I fully expect you to be. And God forbid we inconveniece an immigrant just for the sake of protecting fat, lazy, stupid, arrogant Americans' lives. Your teacher's mail is opened already? That is fucking laughable. What a load of crap. I don't believe a word of this shit, and I don't think anyone else with half a brain will either.

"And did you find all this out through an unbiased, politically neutral source?"

Yeah, Michael Moore told me. Does such a thing exist?

As for LRD, I don't know shit about that, so I won't bother. But the Bush stealing the election thing is fucking tired. You don't like the electoral college? Tough shit, it's there for a reason, and the 2000 election was entirely constitutional and therefore legitimate. And I'm oh, so sure that no liberal politicians have ever pulled any strings, or worked any connections, over the course of their careers.

As for the Minutemen comparison, look up the damn quote. It's not hard to find, it is fairly recent (obviously.) It was originally posted on his own fucking website. Would such a statement really bother you anyway? Hell, you just said basically the same thing. You're saying Islamic terrorists have a justified, righteous cause. Do you consider the 9/11 attacks a righteous, justified act? Just answer the question. Let's see if you have the balls to spell out "I am a traitor" in plain fucking English.

As far as our country being ignorant, that's debatable. But you're against us being big and rich? Honestly, that shit is so weak. If you want small and poor, move to Cuba, you spoiled little prick. Over there, the evil preps at your high school won't spread homoerotic falsehoods about you, I promise.

Spectralsorrow, Osama bin Laden isn't related to the Saudi royal family. Where the fuck did you get the idea that they were related? Oh yeah, you don't know shit. Osama was not "given leeway" in an effort to appease the Saudis. Dating all the way back to the senior Bush's administration, Osama and the Saudi royals have been at odds. Therefore, nothing in your rebuttal makes any fucking sense. The Saudis were also strongly against the Iraq war. Funny that big Mike never mentions that in his film.

TB666, the responses in that thread were incredibly weak. Just more of the same old assertions. I was amused that SoleRaziel or whatever the fuck criticized Hitchens for his "tired right-wing justification" for Iraqi civilian casualties, despite the fact that he is a staunch left-winger. Way to do your research people. Nice try. I would go through his/her shit point by point, but this post is long enough already.

You people can do better than this. Then again, probably not.
the problem with this movie is that it is PROPOGANDA making fun of PROPOGANDA you see any media has a spin put on it so even tho your seeing congress members speaking out againts the war and clips from the news , they are still CLIPS FROM THE NEWS no media can be fully trusted i truly believe that, moore does make some valid arguements if you can see thru his self absorbed sarcasm, bush got saddam thats a great accomplish ment but now there are americans dying over there and it doesnt seem like anything really have been getting accomplished but to tell you the truth i dont know if i trust kelly either
Dude you are too funny, I got many laughs from seeing how you twist words, you're worse then Michael Moore could ever be. Alpha never mentioned supporting terrorists in his post, so maybe that's just your dreams. Where is Osama if he hasn't been given leeway? We know he's alive because he sends out messages every once in a while, but at this point the US isn't even looking for him it seems. We can each read into that however we like, maybe Georgie will catch him in time to push the votes for him high enough to get re-elected.
Alpha never mentioned supporting terrorists? Did you miss the part where he said they have a "justified, righteous cause?"

Osama is holed up in a fucking mountain somewhere. Yeah, sure, we're not looking for him, it's a big evil right wing conspiracy. We've all been had. And please, show me where I "twisted words."
Pf. Do you all know how you sound? Puppets, spouting the vitriol of ideologues, not knowing or caring about whether or not what they say is fact. Micheal Moore, and his various counterparts on the right, are MIRROR IMAGES of each other. The same thing on different sides of a line. The only difference I can find is that Moore actually states that what he is expressing is his opinion. Oh god, Someone has an opinion different from yours!
If all you all are going to say is "I'm right, and that's that!", I suggest this thread be closed.
'Bush is a lying tyrant!'
'No! Anyone who disagrees with Bush's policies is a terrorist and must be silenced!'

All you can do is bicker like a bunch of old ladies. You're all weak minded fools.
excellent points on this thread!
Moore is an idiot, thats my standpoint. its already been proven on this thread manytimes over.

and for the weak minded I don't suggest Tai Chi
Mutilated1 said:
how can you say the terrorist have a justified, righteous cause ?
When they're defending their own country, a county that they've been brought up to believe is right, they definitely have justification.
A Dying Breed said:
Alpha, you're a traitor, but more on that later. Right now let's take a look at your pathetic rebuttal of 5thSeason's post.
Wait a minute...I'm a traitor because I have the intelligence to take a broader viewpoint on things than most Americans, and because I have the guts to say that Bush is one of the worst presidents we've ever had? Under that definition, the Founding Fathers were also traitors for speaking against the British. Coincidentally, they're also some of the most revered people in America.

A Dying Breed said:
"There's an easy alternative to the Saudi Royal Family- it's called creating a positive image of America to the Saudi public. Currently, much of the world sees the US (correctly) as arrogant, stupid, obese, greedy warmongers. Rather than improving the already tenuous relationships between the two countries via respect for Saudi beleifs, monetary aid, and other acts of kindness, Bush's reckless and unilateralistic policies have dashed relationships to an incredible low. As too greater oil prices, a radical Muslim state could very well drive oil prices up, but the impact of an intelligent, democratic regime would likely have very little (if any) impact on oil prices. Ask an economist."

This is some idiotic, fairy-tale bullshit. Acts of kindness, give me a fucking break. We will not appeal to the Saudi public in any way until any and all of our support for Israel stops. To the more radical sections of the population, we won't appeal to them until we're all dead. Respect for Saudi beliefs? Right. That's how we'll improve our "tenuous" relationship with the Saudi government. But wait- I thought we were butt buddies with the Saudi royals? Whoops, a little bit of a contradiction there. And an intelligent, democratic regime won't improve the oil situation? This assertion is completely asinine for reasons that are painfully obvious. Nothing that you stated in this paragraph makes any sense. Moving on...
There isn't some type of mystical, ancient rivalry between the two countries. While you might prefer to blow the shit out of them mindlessly, there's (GASP) a reason why they hate Americans. Its because they see us as lacking respect for their culture and religion...which does include Isreal. Saying that the only way to get them to like us is by withdrawing support for Isreal is typically closeminded. There's always a second solution. Get the public to like America, and we don't have to worry about a Muslim revolution...and thus we don't need the "butt buddy" relationship with the Royal Family

A Dying Breed said:
"and both deserve to be "spurted against". The war on Iraq has cost thousands of lives, and for what purpose? To spend innumerable billions to keep a standing army in Iraq, all the while leaving the US vulnerable at home? The current Iraqi government won't last past a few years until a radical muslim takeover, thanks in large part to the utterly assenine way the wars in Iraq in Afganistan thanks to you-know-who."

Right, thousands of lives, billions of dollars, boohoo. The war in Iraq has not left us, in any way, more vulnerable at home. I don't want to hear about diverted funds or intelligence resources, we've got plenty, this is a typical baseless liberal argument. If your firemen don't have chemical suits, blame your congressmen. As for your radical Muslim takeover, thanks for enlightening all of us with your immense tactical expertise. Besides, a radical Muslim takeover would be a good thing, wouldn't it, what with their just and righteous cause and all. And what the fuck do you mean by "spurted against?" Maybe you really did grab those dudes' asses.
"Thousands of lives, billions of dollars, boohoo." Maybe you're forgetting that those billions of dollars could be going to something much more worthy...maybe helping people instead of killing them. There are certainly enough people who could use some extra food...but you probably care more about saving up for Half-Life 2.

Please tell me the "thousands of lives, boohoo" was a joke. If you're saying you don't give a fuck about thousands of people dying, I can see why you'd support the war. If you're not kidding, you are incredibly sick and twisted.

A Dying Breed said:
"Meanwhile, the so called "Patriot Act" should in fact be called the "Xenophobe Act" because that's exactly what it is. It does little to catch terrorists, according to Time and The Economist, while frustrating hundreds of thousands of perfectly innocent immigrants. My Spanish teacher (who is Columbian) hasn't visited, or been visited by, her parents since 9/11 because of these uneeded laws, and her mail seems to always be opened already. I also has a remarkable similarity to the infamous Alien and Sedition acts of 1798 (I think)."

You think wrong. The Alien and Sedition acts involved prosecuting and deporting people who talked shit about the government. The Patriot Act gives wider surveillance powers to law enforcement. It does NOT allow the prosecution of dissenters, or any similar nonsense. Please don't be stupid enough not to recognize the distinction, although I fully expect you to be. And God forbid we inconveniece an immigrant just for the sake of protecting fat, lazy, stupid, arrogant Americans' lives. Your teacher's mail is opened already? That is fucking laughable. What a load of crap. I don't believe a word of this shit, and I don't think anyone else with half a brain will either.
The Patriot Act is a great way to violate people's civil rights in the name of "justice" and "security". The Alien and Sedition acts were a great way to violate people's civil rights in the name of "justice and security". The Alien Act is the one I'm really drawing a parallell to, because it increased requirements to become a citizen and allowed the government to snoop on foreigners.

A Dying Breed said:
"And did you find all this out through an unbiased, politically neutral source?"

Yeah, Michael Moore told me. Does such a thing exist?

As for LRD, I don't know shit about that, so I won't bother. But the Bush stealing the election thing is fucking tired. You don't like the electoral college? Tough shit, it's there for a reason, and the 2000 election was entirely constitutional and therefore legitimate. And I'm oh, so sure that no liberal politicians have ever pulled any strings, or worked any connections, over the course of their careers.
And what exactly is the reason for the electoral college?
A Dying Breed said:
As for the Minutemen comparison, look up the damn quote. It's not hard to find, it is fairly recent (obviously.) It was originally posted on his own fucking website. Would such a statement really bother you anyway? Hell, you just said basically the same thing. You're saying Islamic terrorists have a justified, righteous cause. Do you consider the 9/11 attacks a righteous, justified act? Just answer the question. Let's see if you have the balls to spell out "I am a traitor" in plain fucking English.
Found the minutemen quote. I'll give you that one. But if you want to talk about "interesting" quotes, I have quite a few. Also, the Iraqi fighters have a justified cause because they're defending something that they've been brough up to beleive is right. Not to mention they're defending their country, which they can't be blamed for. As for being a traitor: I am a traitor to George W. Bush. You, on the other hand, are a traitor to the common good.
A Dying Breed said:
As far as our country being ignorant, that's debatable. But you're against us being big and rich? Honestly, that shit is so weak. If you want small and poor, move to Cuba, you spoiled little prick. Over there, the evil preps at your high school won't spread homoerotic falsehoods about you, I promise.

I don't have an issue with being rich, If we put our money to good use. But my problem is with people who'd rather blow an extra $600 on a flat-screen TV than give half of that to UNICEF. And I said fat, not big. I'm talking about being the most overweight country on the globe. America has the capability to destroy half the world, but not the self control to spend an hour a week working out. And BTW, the homoerotic falsehoods were in 7th grade.

A Dying Breed said:
Spectralsorrow, Osama bin Laden isn't related to the Saudi royal family. Where the fuck did you get the idea that they were related? Oh yeah, you don't know shit. Osama was not "given leeway" in an effort to appease the Saudis. Dating all the way back to the senior Bush's administration, Osama and the Saudi royals have been at odds. Therefore, nothing in your rebuttal makes any fucking sense. The Saudis were also strongly against the Iraq war. Funny that big Mike never mentions that in his film.

TB666, the responses in that thread were incredibly weak. Just more of the same old assertions. I was amused that SoleRaziel or whatever the fuck criticized Hitchens for his "tired right-wing justification" for Iraqi civilian casualties, despite the fact that he is a staunch left-winger. Way to do your research people. Nice try. I would go through his/her shit point by point, but this post is long enough already.

You people can do better than this. Then again, probably not.

Sometimes I think I should listen to punk. At least those guys have an idea of what's goin on politically. Secondly, there's no need to call anyone an asshole, shithead, moron, or anything else in that vein because of their political beleifs. I'm 14 and I know that...
they aren't defending their own country, our army is over there defending their country. All they are doing is car bombing their own citizens, and disrupting any progress. Thats almost as stupid as you claiming their cause is justified and righteous. For the most part they don't have any 'cause' other than kill Americans, kill Jews, and terrorize the moderate population.
thespectralsorrows said:
Dude you are too funny, I got many laughs from seeing how you twist words, you're worse then Michael Moore could ever be. Alpha never mentioned supporting terrorists in his post, so maybe that's just your dreams. Where is Osama if he hasn't been given leeway? We know he's alive because he sends out messages every once in a while, but at this point the US isn't even looking for him it seems. We can each read into that however we like, maybe Georgie will catch him in time to push the votes for him high enough to get re-elected.
I'm pretty sure that Shrub is looking for Osama, partially because of all the speculation that he isn't. If Osama appears right before the election, it would seem kind of suspicious.
Mutilated1 said:
they aren't defending their own country, our army is over there defending their country. All they are doing is car bombing their own citizens, and disrupting any progress. Thats almost as stupid as you claiming their cause is justified and righteous. For the most part they don't have any 'cause' other than kill Americans, kill Jews, and terrorize the moderate population.
The US army comes in, conquers Iraq, and plops down a massive occupational force. In WW2 the German army conquered France, and the resistance movement fought to defend their country against the Nazis. That's comparable to the guerillas in Iraq, with the exception that (we see) the French government as much better that Hussein's regime.
The French resistence didn't carry out bombings against their own civilians who were trying to feed their families by, say, joining a police force. Nor did they behead German civilians and proudly disploy photos of their decapitated corpses. Mutilated is onto something.

What you are failing to realize is that the Islamic terrorists that make up the core of the insurgency are not representative of the overall Iraqi population. They're representative of their own extremist cause, and they don't mind killing scores of their own civilians to do it. I have to believe that the French resistence would have minded. Unfortunately, dumbasses like you, in your eagerness to attack your own country, its leaders and its people, fail to recognize this simple distinction. You may recall that 9/11 occurred BEFORE the war in Iraq. What were they defending then? They were trying to get us off their "holy ground" in Saudi Arabia and trying to fuck with us over the Israel/Palestine conflict. Sure, support for Israel has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with this. It's all because we don't... respect their culture? Right. Because when the French and basically every other nationality disrespects the US, I'm driven to feelings of murderous rage that inevitably manifest themselves in the form of car bombings on civilian populations. And what American act of cultural disrespect is driving the Islamic terrorist movements in Indonesia, the Phillipines, and countless other places? It seems like you've just completely closed your eyes to their core ideology. Did the Nazis have a righteous, justified cause because they were fighting for what they had been brought up to believe was right?

You're not a traitor because you think your intelligent, you're a traitor because you support people who murder Americans. You proudly declare that you're a traitor to Geoge W. Bush. Even if I disagree with a president, I'll never declare myself a traitor. This is what illustrates the reality of your position- you don't just hate Bush, you hate this country, and you obviously hate capitalism, with all your moronic stereotypes about ignorance, greed and obesity. But out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed to UNICEF? My guess is not much, considering that you're a 14 year old Dungeons and Dragons nerd who does nothing but talk out of his ass and parrot trendy anti-American ideologues.

It's our military that can destroy the world, and they do in fact work out.

As for the electoral college, look it up yourself. I'm not your teacher. But I suppose it would be out of character for you to actually know something about a subject before bitching about it.

The "boohoo" thing was a reference to the fact that your argument is based more on sentimentality than anything else, which it is. The world is a cold, scary place, and it's not all our fault. The fact that you see Osama bin Laden as the good guy in this equation just goes to show how warped your worldview really is.

In conclusion, in your last posts you didn't refute anything. Just more assertions, more sentimental crap about me being sick and twisted. You'll give me that Moore quote, but you've got some interesting ones... which you've decided not to share... ok. All you do time and time again is tell me that I'm wrong, that I don't know what's going on, that I'm too close minded and this and that to see "what's really going on." Yet you offer no refutations whatsoever. Typical. Maybe you SHOULD listen to punk.

At this point, I'm pretty much done with this discussion. It's more than obvious that you're not interested in a logical, fact based argument. But any other Moore fans out there are more than welcome to take a shot.

Snow like ash, thanks for your contribution. Get off your high horse you fucking loser.
Great post there A Dying Breed. Agree 100% so nothing more to say. At least you were intelligent about what you are trying to say unlike some others here using their emotions instead of their brains.
A Dying Breed said:
Unfortunately, dumbasses like you, in your eagerness to attack your own country, its leaders and its people, fail to recognize this simple distinction.
You're not a traitor because you think your intelligent, you're a traitor because you support people who murder Americans. You proudly declare that you're a traitor to Geoge W. Bush. Even if I disagree with a president, I'll never declare myself a traitor. This is what illustrates the reality of your position- you don't just hate Bush, you hate this country, and you obviously hate capitalism, with all your moronic stereotypes about ignorance, greed and obesity. But out of curiosity, how much money have you contributed to UNICEF? My guess is not much, considering that you're a 14 year old Dungeons and Dragons nerd who does nothing but talk out of his ass and parrot trendy anti-American ideologues.

I thought, especially after listening to your leaders non-stop rhetoric about it, that USA is about freedom and democracy. AlphaTemplar has not "attacked his own country". He disagrees and criticizes the way the country works, and as far as I can tell it's far more productive (at least criticism makes people talk about these things, maybe even think about them) than just sit and agree with everything you're told.

Also, what the hell has hating capitalism to do with hating your country and your people? I know you didn't say it directly, but you definitely drew a parallel to it. If one thinks capitalism isn't good for the people, isn't he then thinking about the good of the people when he hates capitalism?

Btw. It's really fucking sad to see the unicef comment. Yeah, maybe AlphaTemplar hasn't given that much money to unicef, because he is 14 and most likely doesn't have much to give, but as I understood, he would if he could. So the blaming him for it just absolutely retarded. Personally, I think it's really damn great that someone his age is interested in the subject at all.
when it comes down to it you have to ask your self would i go and fight? and at this point no i wouldnt i dont beleive in this war any longer too many of our brothers have died in vain for this yes we did get hussein but where the FUCK are the weapons of mass destruction asre we over looking this ? what if war hungry bush decides to instate a draft what then ? , also a related question are you exempt from the draft if you are already in college or are the only son in your family ?
Farmers and I think college students are not eligible for the draft usually. I never heard of an only son rule when it comes to a draft, but this administration has proven any law can be overcome and broken when they decide so. However, at this time unless we invade another country I don't think their will be a draft, certainly not until after the election. Currently we are forcing solidiers to stay on active duty beyond their terms to keep the numbers high enough.
There are no WMD, that was just a ploy to get the Democrats to okay the takeover of another country. I tell you one thing, Deomcrats are some dumb sheep minded bitches themselves too. I almost made the huge mistake of joining the army when I was 19, I've never regretted negating my contract with them.

egonomic666 said:
when it comes down to it you have to ask your self would i go and fight? and at this point no i wouldnt i dont beleive in this war any longer too many of our brothers have died in vain for this yes we did get hussein but where the FUCK are the weapons of mass destruction asre we over looking this ? what if war hungry bush decides to instate a draft what then ? , also a related question are you exempt from the draft if you are already in college or are the only son in your family ?
Voice of God, jesus fucking christ. Alpha supports terrorism against his own country. This isn't complicated. He can't tell Zarqawi, the carbombing, kidnapping piece of shit terrorist who leads the Iraqi insurgency, from Benjamin Franklin. That goes a little bit farther than disagreeing with the way the country is run.

What a noble cause, this hatred of capitalism. Of course, he directly benefits from the inequality that he so despises, but I guess that's just a technicality. By god this kid has principles! Kinda like Moore, who ceaseless fights for the little guy from his million dollar Manhattan apartment.

As for the UNICEF comment, I'm sorry for causing such heartbreak. I was simply addressing the fact that it's very easy to talk a big game on an issue like charity when you have no income of your own and therefore absolutely no one will expect you to act on your noble beliefs. Perhaps a better question would have been whether or not his parents donate considerable portions of their income to charity, and if they don't, how he can stand to live with the capitalist pigs. It's amazing that Alpha can cheer for Islamic terrorism, but the fact that he hopes to someday donate a nickle or two to the hungry makes him a swell guy.

Spectral returns with another gem: "this administration has proven any law can be overcome and broken when they decide so." Name one law that they've broken you horse's ass. Don't tell me "invading another country." Actually forget it, please don't bother polluting this thread any farther.
Thanks dude for proving yourself wrong in your own email, that was classic!! Yup, they've broken many international laws/treaties from going against the UN to the way they've held and treated prisoners, not to mention all the unethical actions they've done and are attempting to do to their own solidiers(forced service, pay cuts, etc.).

Spectral returns with another gem: "this administration has proven any law can be overcome and broken when they decide so." Name one law that they've broken you horse's ass. Don't tell me "invading another country." Actually forget it, please don't bother polluting this thread any farther.[/QUOTE]