Micing up a peavey 5150 combo..?

Jun 2, 2005
Is this a good idea?

I had one, loved it, it had shitloads of gain, but it makes the playing smoother then the POD, and offcourse the mutes sound better as well..

But, as far as micing up that amp.. any drawbacks compared to buying a stack? just 2 speakers offcourse.. any more?

Im ready to take the next step here.. leave the POD for demo material, and i want a thicker, less digital sound, and it should riff easier and palm-mute better...

Offcourse, i will need a pre-amp as well.. any suggestions? not too expensive, but no behringer mic-100/200 though, maybe the "brick"?

Any help would be great..

Thanks in advance!
i really liked the sound of the 5150 combo i demo'ed. warmer than the 5150 heads with a better clean channel, plus it's got reverb. go for it - if you can handle the weight :lol:
Yeah, stick some Celestions in there and it will be good to go.

Mic Pre? Right now I am really liking my M-Audio Tampa on guitars. It is a nice step up from something like a Mackie mixer or a Behringer and it's not too pricey. Under a stricter budget you might consider the M-Audio DMP-3. For the money it's hard to beat for a clean 2 channels.
I also have an FMR Audio RNP which is not too awfully expensive and sounds great, but it's in a slightly higher price range than something like the Tampa or the Brick and I actually prefer the sound of the Tampa when I only need one channel.

I've heard that the Brick was not the greatest on guitars, but I haven't tried one myself so I can't really say.