Microsoft to buy Yahoo; Google surrenders

I use Hotmail as my main e-mail, but I use Google for a lot. I have a Google homepage which connects me to everything I ever want to do online. You can see it in this pic:


Nick and I also (obviously) have a Blogger account for Slam-Minded, so there's another Google service I use.

Also, I hardly ever get spam on any e-mail.
Because I don't like toolbars.

And yeah Wordpress is better, but more people use Blogger/Blogspot to connect so whatever.
I've only very recently started using the Google main page to organize my stuff. It definitely has improved a ton since they first introduced it. The tabs really are the deal breaker for me. The only thing I dislike is that it seems impossible to configure RSS feeds to display more than 9 items which seems kind of arbitrary to me. Some sites update so often that I'd really like to display the full amount of stuff that the RSS feeds offers.
I honestly can't remember the last time I've gone to, I always use the search bar thingy. What's this google homepage you peeps be talking about?
That's really not the same thing though. I mean fair enough if you prefer that, but that doesn't make the Google homepage dumb. The Google page lets you organize as much information as you want (with gadgets for many existing web services, including ones not owned by google) and display it in a neat overview. I have mine set up so I have a Personal tab which shows e-mail, weather, todo list, calendar, etc. A tab News that shows RSS feeds for 6 news sites, a Music tab with music related RSS feeds, etc. And all that built with an easy to use drag & drop interface.

It can also integrate Google chat into it so you can IM from within your browser. I don't use this yet but I might in the future.