mid-paced, raw, depressive black metal


evil eye
May 11, 2003
Hello all, I'm looking for mid-paced, raw, depressive, semi-tracelike, repetitive black metal that is similar to the following albums:

Burzum - Filosofem
Nargaroth - Geliebte Des Regens
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions
Morthond - Paths of Desolation
Wigrid - Hoffnungstod
Mortifera - Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera

and while I do enjoy these bands, I'm NOT currently looking for stuff like:

Graveland, Woodtemple
Xasthur, Leviathan, etc
Wyrd, Drudkh
Weakling, Wolves in the Throne Room
Mutiilation, other LLN type bands
Alcest (although I do realize the early demo is close)

Good riffing is important, and I would prefer a raw but not completely unlistenable production. Any suggestions of lesser-known bands and specific albums is much appreciated. Thanks a lot! :)
I second Nyktalgia. Decent stuff.

I highly recommend Sortsind's Sår. Even though it's not entirely mid-paced, the atmosphere is utterly deranged and truly suicidal. You'll probably like some of this shit also:

Forgotten Woods - As the Wolves Gather
Enthroning Silence - Unnamed Quintessence of Grimness
Sterbend - Dwelling Lifeless
Hypothermia - Veins
Wedard - Einsamer Winterweg