Mid tempo brutalness for your ears.

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
Well here is a band I tracked and I'm currently mixing and mastering. I just got some new toys and used on this mix, one being the Finalizer Express. I really like the way this thing sounds and just adds a little sparkle and punch to the mix. Please check this mix out and give me some input. I think i need to tweak a few things still, but anyways enjoy....

[EDIT] Drums and vox up to help even out the guitars.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/610605/gut down .mp3
Sounds super cool ¡¡¡ at first i thought guitars were a tad to loud but i not sure, it sounds more brutal that way thats for sure
Shit dude!! It sounds fucking killer! I'd think guitars we're a bit too loud but heck no! It adds to the whole atmosphere, fucking heavy shit! Tight low-end, it rules! Congrats on the great mix
what drum samples are these? And this sounds killer. Glad to hear the Finalizer being used by someone who knows what they are doing!

Thanks Nate, yea I'm totally digging this finalizer. Thanks for such a good deal!! It took me a minute to get used to it because at first i was trying to slam the finalizer to hard, and it does not react well when hit hard. Its a touchy little thing, but when used in moderation it sounds amazing.

The drums are a blend of the original drums (took samples) and Slate samples. I used snare 11a and kick 10 and the fat toms. I did like a 60/40 mix of slate and original so its not all Slate but still those Slate samples just rule. Oh and I just got the Waves SSL bundle and those plugins are all over the drums and playing a big part.
This sounds awesome. Tell us more about what you used to get there!


Thanks Greg!

Drums were...

Octava mk012 overheads in spaced pair and sm7 on the hats. Then I took samples of the snare and toms with sm57. I forgot what kind of drums we used but they were nothing great. I used my digi002 mic pre's (bla modded) and then used a behringer ada8000 for the drum triggers and room mic. The room mic was just one mic, which was a BeyerDynamic mc832. I put that strait in front of the kit like 6ft back. Then I used Waves SSL channel strip plugins on all of the drums. Then that went to a buss with dverb on it. I bussed the overheads separate and used a plate reverb on that buss (Brian Hood turned me on to this). I mentioned the Slate samples i blended in post above.


We used a cheap ass 6 string Greg Bennett guitar on this track that I had to setup for drop A tunning. I'm surprised how good it turned out but I took the time and set it up properly and we used 58's 7 string set and dropped the high string. I bought a 7 string Schecter c7 the next day because of all the shit guitars people were bringing in, like this one. So the other song I tracked for these guys is the Schecter c7 and sounds Amazing. Next I used a Countryman Type 85 dir box and that into my Digi002 mic pre. Then I used Pod Farm on the guitars with the Diamond plate and trendplate cab and tube screamer.


We had to borrow a Schecter bass from another local band and I do not remember the model. The band for some reason only bought a new Low E (A) string for the bass. So i made them track all the bass lines only on the top string. I know I'm a dick right :p but I was not about to let them ruin this project with shit bass strings. The bass had active pickups and the garage I use has some huge problem of making bass guitars with active pickups buzz like there is no tomorrow. So the bassist had to like move around for 10 minutes and find the spot were the buzz was minimal and stay there the whole time tracking. ahhh good time in my shit studio! Bass went to type85 dir box then to digi002 mic pre. After tracking I used Uad Preflex and L1 limiter and also a eq before the Limiter cutting a bunch of low mids and also a high pass at like 40-50hz.


Used a sm7 into digi002 mic pre and smashed to hell with rcomp 20-1 ratio and then a eq with a high pass at 150hz and also a shelf boosting some highs around 4k. Then that was to a buss with some dverb room verb on it.

Thats about it I think, and if i forgot anything please feel free to ask.....
really fucking cool bro. love the drum sound! solid low-end.

holistically the mix is kind of at a dynamic stand-still which makes the song a little boring to sit and listen through.

sounds like you use the waves s1 stereo widening things on guitars that Joey does but I think it makes them too wide and unnatural sounding. the tone is fucking cool though.

like i said, drums rock.
is there any point in using the countryman > micpre instead of just using the 002's instrument in?? i've always just used the instrument in with good results. is the high impedance on the countryman even all that useful once it hits the digi's pre?
You know I actually did some a/b test and I think i like tracking guitars better without the dir box, and strait into the 002 pre. Its weired but the type 85 just gives it a slight coloration. So sometimes i use it and some times i do not. Your fine without it to my ears.....
That is some seriously tight low end dude. Great mix. One minor nitpick? The spot right before the breakdown (about 1:40) needs more "impact." It's got a GREAT buildup, but I'm waiting for it to smack me in the face, and then.... no smack.

Aside from that - amazing work dude. The gang vocals are amazing too.
