Midi files from PT7 to Nuendo timing problem.


Oct 30, 2006
I have a project with 8 songs that I have been working on in PT7.3 w/Digi002 (Midi Drums using EZD, DFHS.) and I need to get it into Nuendo 3.2 for a friend of mine so we can work together on it.

I export the midi file from PT then import into Nuendo and it works fine for every file but 1. That one file is importing into Nuendo at half time but is showing the click set correctly to 192bpm, but plays back at half the speed. The other 7 files work perfect and were all done the same way. I didn't do anything special to this file and there is even a different song I have that also is at 192bpm and works fine.

Anyone have a clue what this could be? It's driving me crazy!!! :loco:
shouldn't be the sample rate since we're talking about midi.
have you checked the actual midi data in the file?

How do you check the actual midi data in the file and what program do you use to do it?

Thanks for your help.