

Feb 12, 2011
Hey guys,
so, i want to get a midi-keyboard just to play through some VSTs. I'm no piano player, so it doesn't have to be a super high end one.
I'm looking for one just with the keys and not much more features.
After searching on the internet I found the M-Audio keyrig 49, which seems to be perfect for my purposes.
My question is, if there's any latency, when I'm monitoring a VST and playing through it and if there's another alternative in the same price range, which is better than the Keyrig 49. If it matters, I'm running Cubase 5 on Win7 with 6 gb of ram and a Intel Core i5-650@3.20 ghz.

I've got the keystation 49e. You can have that if you want :lol: Im looking to get something with weighted keys for some piano playing in the future perhaps. Im pretty sure the shipping would render an item of this low a value useless cost wise tho!
If you can save a few more bucks you can get youself a M-Audio Oxygen 49, that is basically the same keyboard plus a lot of MIDI goodness (assignable faders, knobs, buttons, transport shortcuts, etc).

If you want only the keys and nothing more, any keyboard with midi out will do, although I advise you to get somethng USB powered just because it´s more practical.
Get M-Audio Keystation 61es or E-mu Xboard 49/61. Any other cheap keyboards have shitty keys, more like a toy. I use Keystation 61es for recording, rehearsals and gigs as my main instrument and I'm pretty happy with it for it's price. You might want to check CME M-Key or U-Key too.

Btw, midi keyboard has nothing to with latency. It's your audio interface and PC.