MIDI / Pro Tools help


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I have barely ever done anything with MIDI before so I am pretty green on it. Instead of just getting a stereo audio track from a drummers Ekit, I want to have him send me midi tracks from it, then be able to split each piece of the kit out onto a separate track to mix. What is the easiest plug in to use and method to do this? Like, splitting the midi notes into separate tracks and then running a plug to get an audio track/sample out of each one? or just use the 1 midi track and its possible to route each sound out from a plug in to record to a separate audio track in pro tools? I have PT 7.4 and 8.
You can just record a single midi track and send it to something like contact or S2 and assign multiple outs out of that. If you need (or want) to split up the tracks there is actually a "split notes" function in the midi menu.