MIDI Track Needed to Demo AD/Superior Presets


He whom thou art not
If anyone ( Bulb? Fuge? wink, wink, nudge, nudge ) has a well programmed drum track MIDI they'd like to send me I need one to use to demonstrate any given preset I find/recieve. I'm just gonna load the preset, cue the midi and export, no DSP, just to capture the raw preset sound.

Currently I'm gathering presets for Superior 1 and 2, Addictive Drums, EZ Drummer, BFD and pretty much anything else as I find them. I'd like to get something really dynamic with multiple styles/tempos, etc. Otherwise I'll have to chain stock beats together and that will suck. I guaranfuckintoldya. Thanks to those who have contributed. Anyone else, can share anytime. Just PM me.

Keep on rockin in the free* world!

* Taxes, title, registration, royalties, dividends, fees, duties, discounts, coupons, fines and penalties not included.