MIDI Trigger help

So my band just bought this Simmons Hybrid Electric Kit off of Musicians Friend thinking that we would be able to load our own samples(808's and kicks) into the module
but no
It came with a Simmons SDHB2 module which apparently doesn't allow you to put custom samples into it
soooo now I'm looking into triggering the samples I want with MIDI through this module and have no idea what to do
I've gotten it to trigger a keyboard vsti through Logic Mainstage
But I want to trigger two different 808 samples and then a specific snare and kick that I have
The two triggers and two pads it came with are velocity sensitive
Anyone wanna help me out?
Did it with a td-3 module, a audio interface and a macbook, works like a charm. Sampler might be a tad more reliable i guess... hadn't had any problems with the laptop though
So I finally figured it out
I ended up running a MIDI signal via USB from the module to my macbook pro
and then just used the pads to trigger samples within Logic Mainstage
it was suuucccchhh a pain to figure out though
Although I'm still interested in the akai sampler
much easier to set up and use
Thanks guys!
I think Sean Reinert was using a Roland MIDI pad when I saw Cynic (maybe Tymon could chime in if he sees this). I think it was the one with the 6 pads and 3 rim sensors on top...I could be wrong though. I don't know if it is the standard or just what he prefers, but you could check that out too.