Midsummer/Juhannus/Litha/Summer Solstice

I don´t smuggle... That much anymore :grin: I mean.. nowadays you can bring four crates of beer and 32 bottles of wine every trip :grin: poor me...

-phyros ( not smuggler... Dr. Snuggles? :lol: )
Well, I think Germany would do...:grin:
@Fjell... The other option beeing Dr Snuggles? :grin:
Well... That other option works quite well here to ;) (regardless if your answer is yay or nay)

-phyros ( non-sleeping, therefore a dumbass )
hehehe..... The two options:
I smuggling
II burning yourself

Or, if you're a girl (preferebly under 20; even better; under18), you can go to a bar with drunk men over 50, cause those are always willing to buy you booze, hoping for smth in return (those sick bastards!!!! :yuk: ) Any smart girl, though, wouldn't go for that option. And I'm incredibly smart; I'm a genious!! :grin: :p
Errr, beware how FAR east you go to buy your alcohol Morg! We had such a "nice" class trip to Hungaria in our final year - and we could barely live on the mony we got, not that we had so few... but it seems capitalism sturck them hard! Especially the alcohol, every stuff was well out of proportion (well, except some Austrian beer, on which we mainly got drunk :puke: - Sorry Fleischwolf, I got different taste ;) ), Tequila and Whiskey something about 50€ wach bottle, and that as even outside Budapest... not to speak of the "huts" we lived in... or are we just used to the GREATLY advanced western style of living?!

Well, back to the alcohol and my point - the only thing affordable there with alcohol in was such potent stuff that you could enjoy it... with some litres of water in between every few sips ... and it would always taste like paint-thinner - there were three sorts of it, one that looked slightly yellow, then brown, and then something in between - bet that's where they got it from the same barrel... but that stuff made very drunk very fast... and it was cheap... and we were quite unreasonable pupils :grin:

But there are cheap places to buy alcohol in the East, yeah... just beware what you buy tho ;) In any way, I buy my beer, mead or the likes just about 2km away from my home, unless all the swedes, norwegians and finns (Finns tend to go to Estonia for their alcohol?!)

(Is anyone noticing, that this thread is going off topic? ;) :lol: )
The state here put really high prizes on alcohol to make us drink less, but it hardly works. And they make an incredible lot of money on it - taking half, or more, of the money we have to pay - so you'd not think that they really _want_ ppl to drink less........
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
(Is anyone noticing, that this thread is going off topic? ;) :lol: )
Apparently Midsummer/Juhannus/Summer Solstice/etc = Alcohol/Getting drunk/etc. For the first time a thread hasn't gone off topic after 4 pages! :p
"The state here put really high prizes on alcohol to make us drink less, but it hardly works. And they make an incredible lot of money on it - taking half, or more, of the money we have to pay - so you'd not think that they really _want_ ppl to drink less.."

@fjell... But what do they do with the money they make? In Sweden, Systembolaget is forbidden to make any profit, all the money that is made from the high taxes goes right to hospitals and the fight against the Swedish drinking habbits. The largest campaign against alcohol in the late history of Sweden ( 1945 -> ) is the "spola kröken" ( "skip the booze" )campaign in the early 80´s, it was financed directly by Systemet...They are fighting themselves in a way, and have no interests in selling more...

-phyros ( likes the system )
@Phyros: I don't know what they do with the money, but it is the state who runs Vinmonopolet, so I guess the money goes to the state budget..... Cannot say for sure, though. But, hehehe, that post was meant a bit ironicly; I don't really care about the prizes in polet; I mostly drink beer anyway; it's expensive enough for me. Sure I wouldn't mind lower prizes, but I wouldn't care to fight for it or anything. The prizes won't be lowered until the ppl learn to "behave". -And to tell you the truth, I think it's gonna be a ong time until that happends. Booze is fun, and ppl won't stop drinking to get lower prizes.
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Errr, beware how FAR east you go to buy your alcohol Morg! We had such a "nice" class trip to Hungaria in our final year - and we could barely live on the mony we got, not that we had so few... but it seems capitalism sturck them hard! Especially the alcohol, every stuff was well out of proportion (well, except some Austrian beer, on which we mainly got drunk :puke: - Sorry Fleischwolf, I got different taste ;) ), Tequila and Whiskey something about 50€ wach bottle, and that as even outside Budapest... not to speak of the "huts" we lived in... or are we just used to the GREATLY advanced western style of living?!

Well, back to the alcohol and my point - the only thing affordable there with alcohol in was such potent stuff that you could enjoy it... with some litres of water in between every few sips ... and it would always taste like paint-thinner - there were three sorts of it, one that looked slightly yellow, then brown, and then something in between - bet that's where they got it from the same barrel... but that stuff made very drunk very fast... and it was cheap... and we were quite unreasonable pupils :grin:

But there are cheap places to buy alcohol in the East, yeah... just beware what you buy tho ;) In any way, I buy my beer, mead or the likes just about 2km away from my home, unless all the swedes, norwegians and finns (Finns tend to go to Estonia for their alcohol?!)

(Is anyone noticing, that this thread is going off topic? ;) :lol: )

Well, I have been many times in Hungary and always got good booze cheap!
I got anything I wanted...