might've missed it, but that new Bon Jovi album?


student of the d'eh
Being a native New Jerseyan makes it hard NOT to like these guys normally in spite of wimpy soccer mom radioballads and silly non technical "rockers", but every rock tune they have on the radio I can STILL almost word for word melody for melody repeat (err, in the shower ony)

Meanwhile, what's the verdict of their new album? I haven't gotten it yet. They say they finally dropped the soccer mom bait.
Oh man, it rocks!!!

Thought provoking lyrics and great dynamics in the instrumentation, ala Pain of Salvation, and top notch progisms all over the place, mainly with Sambora, who turns in the most Petrucci-like performance of his career (which isn't saying much, since they sound so much alike anyway....)

I'll answer and tell everyone else to bite my left nut.

It's their best disc since "Keep the Faith" for me. Sure, the ballad stuff is still there but they built their fanbase on some of them and I wouldn't expect them to totally abandon what helped make them successful in the first place.

"Welcome to Where Ever You Are" is my favorite tune from the track simply because of the lyrics. They really hit home with me after going through the lowest period in my life a few years ago.

Glenn H.
I'm putting the disk on my Christmas list. I'm defintely looking to pick this up. And to those who don't listen to it because they're popular/mainstream, expand your horizon.
I've read some pretty good reviews of this album. I haven't listened to any of their albums in years, but I've always liked their non-ballad, uptempo stuff from the early years. "Livin' On A Prayer" is one of the best rock songs of the 80's, IMO. I grew up on stuff like that and Def Leppard, so I'll give it props. :headbang:
Harvester said:
I'll answer and tell everyone else to bite my left nut.

It's their best disc since "Keep the Faith" for me. Sure, the ballad stuff is still there but they built their fanbase on some of them and I wouldn't expect them to totally abandon what helped make them successful in the first place.

"Welcome to Where Ever You Are" is my favorite tune from the track simply because of the lyrics. They really hit home with me after going through the lowest period in my life a few years ago.

Glenn H.

Heehee...nice response.

I have continued to buy their albums over the years, and they continue to do very well. From the time he was young, Jon wanted to be Bruce Springsteen...well...after all these years, I think they have accomplished it. They have become the "Boss" of the hard rock scene...accessible to everyone...and still putting on a good show.

The new album was a pleasant surprise...definitely worth getting...and the band certainly deserves a nod of respect for any collector of rock, hard rock, metal, or otherwise.

On a side note, right after spinning "Have A Nice Day," I put in the new Vivian Campbell blues album. Damned if Viv doesn't sound like old Jon...probably wouldn't have noticed it otherwise...

Rock on!
Harvester said:
I'll answer and tell everyone else to bite my left nut.

It's their best disc since "Keep the Faith" for me. Sure, the ballad stuff is still there but they built their fanbase on some of them and I wouldn't expect them to totally abandon what helped make them successful in the first place.

"Welcome to Where Ever You Are" is my favorite tune from the track simply because of the lyrics. They really hit home with me after going through the lowest period in my life a few years ago.

Glenn H.

Bon Jovi fangirl reporting for duty! I agree 100% with you... after I heard this new disc I thought "wow, this is their best since KTF hands down!" the album is a gem from start to finish and even though their is a lot of ballad stuff it doesn't ruin it for me like "Crush" did!

I am not ashamed to say I cried the first time I heard "Welcome to wherever you are" as it hit me so inmensely... this year has been the worst of my life in terms of bad luck, getting hurt, financials... you name it! But after hearing that song I started thinking " yes, I have made it this far... and dammit I am not gonna stop now!"

Ok... sorry for my emotional outburst.. but seriously, anybody who is a fan of classic rock... this one is a must! And even though they are mainstream... so what? Are you going to pass up a great rock album because of a label? Plus, Jon is one of the nicest and most humble rockers I have ever met. I am proud to be a Bon Jovi fan :)
I must admit I started my path down to metaldom thanks to these guys, my first "rock" tape was Slippery when wet!!!...so now my friends are going to disown me..:puke:
The only thing I've heard from the new Bon Jovi is "Have A Nice Day" - which, while chock full of good harmonies, the lyrics aresilly. SILLY! When someone gets in your face, do you tell them to have a nice day? I'm usually a lot more... vitriolic about it.

I like Bon Jovi, but that song just makes me shake my head.
jaimek said:
\ the lyrics aresilly. SILLY! When someone gets in your face, do you tell them to have a nice day? I'm usually a lot more... vitriolic about it.

I never thought I would be debating Bon Jovi lyrics here, but the song is not about an individual. It specifically says "When the world gets in my face."

Ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong and everyone pisses you off? You can either let it take you down that road and make things worse for you or you can say "fuck it..have a nice day" and let it go.

Glenn H.
I'll gladly bite the left one. From what I've heard of this album it's not as good as "Crush"...

I think that "Have a Nice Day" is a much stronger album the "Bounce", where even the one or two rock songs they put on each album now was not very good. However, "Just Older" may be my favorite song by them, so I am probably biased towards "Crush".

It is interesting that Jon has such Mommy issues though...
Harvester said:
I never thought I would be debating Bon Jovi lyrics here, but the song is not about an individual. It specifically says "When the world gets in my face."

Ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong and everyone pisses you off? You can either let it take you down that road and make things worse for you or you can say "fuck it..have a nice day" and let it go.

My coworker remarked that they're just getting old. When you're married with kids, the "fuck you all" impulse appears to evaporate. A lot of bands from that general time period have lost their tooth. (aforementioned coworker just added, "U2 SUCKS now!")

I think my problem is that I've been listening to entirely too much Evergrey and Pain of Salvation, and I expect a little more lyrical lucidity. *g* I still like BJ, mind you, but I think I'll stick with Crossroads.
I was the typical teenage girl over that band in the 80s, and outgrew that phase. I will say this though, I do feel Ritchie Sambora does not get enough recognition. He's an exceptional guitarist (I had his solo release on cassette).

So it looks like Glenn gets to keep his left one a little while longer (lol).
General Zod said:
"7800 Fahrenheit" is still my favorite by them. I lost interest after "New Jersey". Zod

I still like stuff after New Jersey but the first four albums I enjoy in their entirety. 7800 is just so good. It's a shame they don't play stuff like "Tokyo Road", "Always Run To You", and "The Hardest Part is the Night" when they tour. I'd also love to hear some tunes from the first album like "Get Ready", "Breakout", and "Shot Through The Heart". I am still thinking about picking up this new album. I do wanna see them on this upcoming tour.
General Zod said:
"7800 Fahrenheit" is still my favorite by them. I lost interest after "New Jersey". Zod

I like that album as well, but I don't think I've ever seen where someone said it's their favorite. Normally, people slam that one! Anyway, I bought the LP of 7800 not too long ago. It's good stuff!