Mikael Åkerfeldt speaks about new Opeth fans


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
I saw this over at the Portnoy forum and thought it was pretty classic. I just want to see what kind of opinion we get here too....

OPETH frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt has slammed the "new breed of idiot OPETH 'fans'" for questioning the abilities of the group's current drummer, Martin Axenrot (BLOODBATH, WITCHERY, NIFELHEIM), when compared to that of Axenrot's predecessor, Martin Lopez.

Responding to a brand-new discussion on the band's forum regarding Axenrot's more "straightforward" playing technique compared to the "jazzy" style of his predecessor, Åkerfeldt wrote in a January 4, 2007 online posting, "Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot OPETH 'fans' on our tail, huh? Mindblowing guys...really!" He then added, "It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter [Lindgren, guitar] didn't even want him to begin with and I said, 'Let's give this guy a chance' as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

"Now, that era, 'Lopeth' or whatever, is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him.

"When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

"For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgment for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

"Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!"
I love Opeth, but aren't the people that are complaining the OLD fans?

I think he is talking in general, I might have made an error referring to them as new...When he said "a new breed of idiot Opeth fans" he may have been speaking as the whole, not sure? Then again, he probably has a shitload of new fans from the few big tours that Opeth has been on in recent years.

I saw Opeth with Axe in Hartford this past spring. VERY unimpressed with Axe. Inconsistent tempos, inconsistent double bass subdivision/stroke consistency, and he had ZERO feel. He IS indeed a 'generic' death metal drummer, and it showed ESPECIALLY when he tried to play the Latin groove in CLOSURE, and instead opted for 16th note double bass with an 8th note Snare backbeat instead of the Ostinato.

Also heard similar of Axe's inconsistencies in the special Chronology shows too.

Screw Axe, Mikael could have done MUCH better.
Everyone says how dissapointing Axenrot is to Opeth. I have seen him perform with the band twice now, and (especially the most recent time) I think he did great. No one compares to Lopez and his style, of course, but I had no complaints with Axenrot. He was dead on, performance wise. The double bass sounded especially fantastic.

I will say with their next release he should make himself known. While he did perform on the tours with all of his might, there was always the "fill in" feel to him. He is only known as a technical death metal drummer, whereas Lopez was VERY vital in Opeth's sound. I'm just hoping he realizes this and blows us all away with his performance. As long as he keeps his double bass BLARING i won't really be super dissapointed! Cheers!!
Well it must piss him off that his fans second guess every decision he makes. The same thing happened when they signed to roadrunner and a lot of fans thought they were going to sell out.
I think he's right... A fan shouldn't be dictating what he should be doing with Opeth... HE is Opeth, therefore I think the fans should suck it up and accept it...
I guess it depends how the conversation was going. I think they have a right to at least discuss it and have an opinion. Though knowing how some people are on that forum, I'm sure it got out of hand with people saying the band now sucks and blah blah blah. They are probably from the group that goes on and on about how crappy of an album Ghost Reveries is.
That's what I love about Akerfeldt - he just lays it right out there for you.

A few years ago, they did a show in Rochester after previously playing Toronto. Mike's in the middle of beginning a new song and strumming the guitar mentioning that they had played in Toronto when some idiot in the crowd yelled "F@ck Canada." Mike stopped strumming, (band is quiet observing Mikael) looked square out in the direction of where the voice came from and said "Wanna know what they say about you? (long pause with death stare) F@cking Americans" and then whammo, began tearing into song...

I just love the man!
I saw Opeth with Axe in Hartford this past spring. VERY unimpressed with Axe. Inconsistent tempos, inconsistent double bass subdivision/stroke consistency, and he had ZERO feel. He IS indeed a 'generic' death metal drummer, and it showed ESPECIALLY when he tried to play the Latin groove in CLOSURE, and instead opted for 16th note double bass with an 8th note Snare backbeat instead of the Ostinato.

Also heard similar of Axe's inconsistencies in the special Chronology shows too.

Screw Axe, Mikael could have done MUCH better.

Yep, I saw them either 3 or 4 times on the last tour with Axe (including the Chronology show), and I was unimpressed. While certainly more skilled at the drums than I am :lol:, I thought his inconsistencies took away from the gig.