Mike always sleeps with heavy metal playing in the background

well when i'm stressed i have to have noise to fall asleep to. when i was still in school i'd come home everday, lay down and stuff my face with poptarts, and fall asleep with metal blasting. and when i travel alone (which i hate), i can't fall asleep without it.
fotmbm said:
I don't know how the fuck he does it, I must sleep in complete silence but I don't think he can sleep unless he listens to heavy metal at a fair volume all night. Maybe it's because he has some tinnitus and needs music to drown out the annoying noises, oh well... Now I like heavy metal and all, but sleeping with earplugs doesn't rule very much. I'm tired and I'd like some breakfast but Mike says I can't wake him up until 12 AM so I'm stuck posting junk on his computer.

-- Erik

That's interesting. I have to have a fan running while I try to sleep, cause I like the noise. I can't sleep with music playing, though. I find that I keep myself awake by paying attention to the beats and playing air drums in bed. :tickled:
I listen to music before I fall asleep but at the moment of sleep, I need it to be quiet as possible. No TVs, computers, or ticking clocks. Also, pitch black with no lights whatsoever.

I can't sleep otherwise.
I always turn my stereo on and play some kind of music before I go to bed. Everything from Cannibal Corpse to Taake to Nightingale to Leviathan to Agalloch. I find that it doesn't stop me from sleeping at all, if I'm tired, I'll fall asleep. But, at the same time it's nice to have something playing until that happens.

I can easily fall asleep without music though and I'm also a very heavy sleeper. You could drive a tank through my room and I wouldn't hear it if I'm asleep.