MIKE AMOTT: CARCASS Has Rehearsed And May Reunite For Tour

The main issue with the Atheist draw is that we only had 6 weeks
to promote it...and while we did promote the shit out of it (contrary
to the lack of promotion that certain folks continually imply for this
festival), it still takes time for word to get around, especially for
something as underground as an Atheist reunion.

Carcass is responsible for a lot of the metal/metalcore going on these
days, they are pioneers in the underground metal world. I've heard
countless bands that are "relevant" today mention Carcass as being
very influential so I think it's definitely a pretty huge deal.
I think the reason some people care about Carcass is more due to their influence on bands that followed.
Very few cared about them when they were originally around.
I know they played some of the package tours that came through to Medusa's in the early 90's.

Hard to say if it would be a draw or not. I suppose if nothing else, you might get some Arch Enemy fanboys or fangirls.

Also, I am getting kind of sick and tired of everyone here thinking they are the authority on what would draw and what wouldn't. Everyone bases this on nothing but their personal interest and liking of a band.
@Diabolik (Bob)

I can see your viewpoints, but you also have to look at the other side of the coin. You always have a choice. Just because hanging out may be a part of the deal, that doesn't mean that you have to partake. You can be happy with the fact that you helped bring a band here. There's no prerequisite that states you have to party with the bands or whatever. This is why I also stated that you don't have to go into it alone. Let's say that you got five other people to help sponsor a particular band that you wanted to see. Would it be worth $75 for you to do that? How many times have you seen a band live and they had an off night? It happens and a flawless performance can never be gauranteed no matter how seasoned the band is. I think you can at least agree with that.

With regards to my comment about putting your money where your mouth is, it was not intended to come off as "showing up". I was only getting at the fact that I've read enough from people about how such and such band wouldn't draw and how this band is not up to par, etc. The remark was a suggestion for you to support an act that you would like to see. Simple as that.

I agree that the fests need variety. That's fine! You say that you would want your band to headline. Well, I really can't say much about that. But think about this. If you get a band over here and they don't necessarliy headline, you are still exposing a bunch of folks to them. If the response is good then there's that possibility of them coming BACK for a headlining tour. Do you see what I'm getting at? If the effort isn't put out there then you'll never know what could have been.

You're entitled to your opinions, as we all are. Perhaps my views on this are a bit too optimistic. Who knows, but I just follow logic (or what I believe is logical).

It is an endless battle. Thanks for sharing your views.
Every discussion is an endless battle.
These forums would be boring if EVERYONE agreed on everything.

I said it previously. The one thing that has really been bothering me lately is how people are so confident that certain bands would draw and certain ones wouldn't.

In my personal opinion, a lot of people mistake internet hype for reality.

I can list hundreds of bands that have played to hundreds of thousands each summer at European festivals.
That doesn't mean shit.

Rachel has an excellent perspective though.
Regardless of whether or not a band would draw, its about the exposure.

It usually isn't the result of ONE particular band that draws people to a fest.
I think a festival should be someone reading the line up and going, "Yeah, cool!! I have been curious about 3 of those bands. Here's a perfect chance to check them out in a festival setting."

I don't think someone will go, "Shit!!! Turisas and Power Quest are booked! That will draw 1000 people instantly"
It would be the combination of them with other bands that would draw interest.

Therefore, given that, it has to come down to dollars and cents.
Certain bands logistically speaking would not be a good choice given the fact that even before guarantee, you would be talking overseas flights for band, crew, and gear.

I am going to stop now, as all this has been talked to death, though it seems to have been forgotten by all of us as talks of P'Fest 2008 approach.
Atheist were around at the lowest point in popularity of underground metal.
Not a surprise at all.

Well, yeah. That's the unfortunate part. Seeing Atheist was on of the best things ever for me, especially with Tony Choy on bass. I remember I was considering going to Powerfest last year (for Martyr and Suspyre), but when they announced Atheist I shit my pants and bought my two day pass the day they were available at Metal Haven. I guess not all people are like me :(
Carcass isn't that bad... I mean, I'd love to hear some of the stuff off of Heartwork live... *dodges flaming arrows*

As for Powerfest 2007... I would've bought a ticket for each night for Solitude Aeturnus & Novembers Doom alone. And there wasn't a single band that disappointed me.
@Diabolik (Bob)

I can see your viewpoints, but you also have to look at the other side of the coin. You always have a choice. Just because hanging out may be a part of the deal, that doesn't mean that you have to partake. You can be happy with the fact that you helped bring a band here. There's no prerequisite that states you have to party with the bands or whatever. This is why I also stated that you don't have to go into it alone. Let's say that you got five other people to help sponsor a particular band that you wanted to see. Would it be worth $75 for you to do that? How many times have you seen a band live and they had an off night? It happens and a flawless performance can never be gauranteed no matter how seasoned the band is. I think you can at least agree with that.

With regards to my comment about putting your money where your mouth is, it was not intended to come off as "showing up". I was only getting at the fact that I've read enough from people about how such and such band wouldn't draw and how this band is not up to par, etc. The remark was a suggestion for you to support an act that you would like to see. Simple as that.

I agree that the fests need variety. That's fine! You say that you would want your band to headline. Well, I really can't say much about that. But think about this. If you get a band over here and they don't necessarliy headline, you are still exposing a bunch of folks to them. If the response is good then there's that possibility of them coming BACK for a headlining tour. Do you see what I'm getting at? If the effort isn't put out there then you'll never know what could have been.

You're entitled to your opinions, as we all are. Perhaps my views on this are a bit too optimistic. Who knows, but I just follow logic (or what I believe is logical).

It is an endless battle. Thanks for sharing your views.

I see everyones point about sponsorship. It just isnt for me. I love metal and it has been a huge part of my life since the early 80's. But at the end of the day, it is just a concert. I would have better luck at exposing the bands I like to people on the net with constant talk of them....look how much Elvenking and Turisas have gotten discussed thanks to me. I have always come to the realization that most of the bands I like will never play over here and pretty much accepted it and when bands I do like play..I am usually always there. I have a lot of hobbies from buying CD's, DVD, comics, and a few other things I collect but not on a large scale. Plus I dont make a lot of money so to drop any large sum of cash on a band is really tough for me. If I had a good paying job, maybe. Just at this point, paying 500 bucks to see Elvenking for 40 minutes...rent is a bit more important to me. Also I have a odd feeling that they might be playing ProgPower next year.

Basically everyone has different opinions...usually mine is the right one:Smug:,
but to each his own. Whatever makes you happy I guess. The way I look at any show is...if there is a good band playing...I will be there..if not...I get more couch time to relax that night.
I don't think the draw of Atheist to last year's Powerfest and a potential Carcass fanboy turnout is a good comparison. Carcass made a much bigger impact back their day, especially with the video play the received on the original Headbangers Ball. Atheist's impact stayed in the underground and unfortunately, they never received the attention Carcass did. I think the attendance to a Carcass appearance at Powerfest would be MUCH higher. This is a huge deal. And I was just jamming Hearwork today. :headbang: