Mike and his Fender! *(guitar talk)*


axe welder
May 25, 2006
Hamilton, New Zealand
hey all,
just curiouse as if anyone knows or could tell me, what songs he's recorded with his strat!? you dont get many metal bands really playing with good old fenders anymore, iv got an old strat iv had for years, but havent played it in ages, and recently got a Randy Rhodes jackson V, iv seen peter play one once, after playing this and bringn out the old strat i prefer the fender for playing metal, better deeper tone i think, and also mike if you happen to be reading this, what do you personaly prefer? your fender or PRS? (i'll never be able to afford a prs so wouldnt know what they play like ha) cheers!!!

come back to NZ!!
ive owned all of the above at one point or another. the PRS's play extremely nicely, but i always felt like i was going to break them. i have a vintage les paul, but my current main guitar is a fender 1960 relic stratocaster, and it is easily the best guitar ive ever owned, with sound AND feel. so its my prefered and favorite instrument at this point.
PRS have awesome guitars, with good tone. I don't think he uses the Strat for heavy chunky stuff, mainly for bluesy clean riffs and chord progressions.

Although lately I have found that my Fender produces a nice metal sound, I dunno maybe it's the way I tweeked my amp:p
the_drip said:
amp = 75% of overall tone.

With the right equipment any guitar can sound damn near perfect. I have a ESP KH101 and i switched out the emg hz with 81's that sounds pretty "metalish". But i have a Epiphone Les Paul that sounds great for playing just about anything through my lil marshall.(not a tube amp though):erk:

And i just realized today that Moonlapse Vertigo is extremely fun to play.
makethestringscry said:
With the right equipment any guitar can sound damn near perfect. I have a ESP KH101 and i switched out the emg hz with 81's that sounds pretty "metalish". But i have a Epiphone Les Paul that sounds great for playing just about anything through my lil marshall.(not a tube amp though):erk:

And i just realized today that Moonlapse Vertigo is extremely fun to play.

Dude....LOVE THE SIG! One of my all time fave movies.

"All in the reflexes..."
extolfan said:
Although lately I have found that my Fender produces a nice metal sound, I dunno maybe it's the way I tweeked my amp:p

:u-huh: What is this "Tweek" to your amp ?

What amp do you have ?

Eric Clapton, "Can I mention his name here" tweeked his Fender Twin by substituting GEC KT66 valve's in place of the bog standard 6L6 valve's normally supplied with this combo...

I love teccy talk btw. :p

Edit: Ooops, pre-edit double quote pasted hehe, double think nxt eh.
dcat said:
:u-huh: What is this "Tweek" to your amp ?

What amp do you have ?

Eric Clapton, "Can I mention his name here" tweeked his Fender Twin by substituting GEC KT66 valve's in place of the bog standard 6L6 valve's normally supplied with this combo...

I love teccy talk btw. :p

:OMG: how dare you say his name here??? lol
hey again,
good to see some guitar freaks on here ha,

i have a fair judgment he would use the fender for more Clean channel work + bluesy type solos, just you dont see any metal bands anymore playing them! but can still get a awsome sound!

i have a Marshall Mode 4 half stack, i can spend hours tweaking this thing to get any sound really, (pain in the ass at times though) so yes alot does count on the amp,

maybe buying a boss gt8 so should get surperb tone on all my guitars :D
ApparitionNZ said:
hey again,
good to see some guitar freaks on here ha,

i have a fair judgment he would use the fender for more Clean channel work + bluesy type solos, just you dont see any metal bands anymore playing them! but can still get a awsome sound!

i have a Marshall Mode 4 half stack, i can spend hours tweaking this thing to get any sound really, (pain in the ass at times though) so yes alot does count on the amp,

maybe buying a boss gt8 so should get surperb tone on all my guitars :D

I don't think we're talkin the same talk here imo...

Tweaking means altering the amplifiers original circuit spec for a different customised sound...

Fiddling with the tone / gain controls is just that, fiddling. :p