Mike DiMeo leaves Masterplan


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
He left Riot for Masterplan and now he leaves them too. Wonder what Grapow and his boys are going to do and wonder where Mike eill land, he has a great voice i will hate to see it wasted.

From the official website:

As you might already know ,
Mike Di Meo is not a member of Masterplan anymore!

Mike is still our friend and we feel big respect to his huge singing talent. We are really thankful for Mikes great addition on MKII and wishing him all the best and luck on his new projects!

Meanwhile we continue to work on the new Studio Album .
We'll putt out more news about our new singer soon!
So stay tuned and expect big things coming around...
Right now we are not able to tell you more news, so be patient!


We are ready to rock!

Roland, Axel, Mike, Jan and ?

Posted on 12 Jan 2009
MKII was a fine album and he did a good job live too IMO. I know a lot of people disagree though...

I'm guessing the next Masterplan singer will be Björn Jansson (Beyond Twilight among others) who is total dead ringer for Jorn Lande. He was also in Ride The Sky, the Masterplan wannabe band Uli Kusch formed after leaving Masterplan.
He was also in Ride The Sky, the Masterplan wannabe band Uli Kusch formed after leaving Masterplan.

I knew Uli form another female fronted band that neither caught my attention with a Helloween song with changed lyrics. Still don't know what got into his mind, he also reformed with Mekong Delta.

As for the new singer I hope you're right and they get somebody on the Jorn Lande style (although like you I think Mike did well on the band too).
I knew Uli form another female fronted band that neither caught my attention with a Helloween song with changed lyrics.

Beautiful Sin? I quit liked that album. One of the few female fronted bands I like alot, as they are far away from the "gothic" style most female bands tend to sound like. That Helloween song probably was not a good idea to put on the album, saw alot of 'ween fans who didn't like it....

Sad Mike left Masterplan. I saw them live and he's really good !!! Let's hope the new vocalist is just as good. I'm pretty sure about it as Masterplan allways have delivered good stuff !! :headbang:

Oh, and Tsorl, your new avatar is cool ! Made me think of that band again and I've been spinning some Saga past days !!!
Beautiful Sin? I quit liked that album. One of the few female fronted bands I like alot, as they are far away from the "gothic" style most female bands tend to sound like. That Helloween song probably was not a good idea to put on the album, saw alot of 'ween fans who didn't like it....

Yeah!, that one. And yes I was one of the fans put off by it. I considered that if they were kicked out of Helloween and they made Masterplan was because they wanted something of their own, different, fresh. And then when Kusch left Masterplan I thought he wanted somethig else again (maybe more thrash with Meking Delta) but the BS project sounded to me not original, not appealing, not fresh and frankly using a song (even if you have the right by composition) from another band as the opener of the album was a bad idea, maybe it would have work better as a bonus track.
Oh, and Tsorl, your new avatar is cool ! Made me think of that band again and I've been spinning some Saga past days !!!

Check out their last few albums if you haven't already; Network, Trust and 10.000 Days to be more precise. The 80s and 90s were kinda hit and miss for Saga but they entered a new renaissance in the 00s IMO. Don't know about the future as they replaced their singer last year.
Any chance of Mike returning to Riot?

Well that would require the Thundersteel reunion to fall apart and that's something I don't want to see. I also understood Mike was unhappy with the lack of activity in Riot (sparse touring and the fact that Army of One was released two years after it was recorded). He'll probably focus on Lizards and do other stuff (I read he played keys on Bonnie Tyler's backing band recently!).
I'm guessing the next Masterplan singer will be Björn Jansson (Beyond Twilight among others) who is total dead ringer for Jorn Lande.

Well I wouldn't go as far to call Björn a dead ringer for Jorn, I think he has his own thing and is great at it. Would surely be a great replacement, no doubt about that!

He was also in Ride The Sky, the Masterplan wannabe band Uli Kusch formed after leaving Masterplan.

I don't know what happened to this guy Uli... He once was a great drummer with great songwriting and now it all disappeared. RTS and Beautiful Sin are subpar compared to his previous projects and not to mention that hideous drums, I even think they've been programmed (very amateurishly) and not played live... Not to mention the total destruction of a fine Helloween song, blah... :puke: