Mike Patton

Cool, I'm glad someone else can experience that marvelous album. It was weird, it took me the longest time to get into it, but it was one of those albums where even though I didn't really like it the first listen, I knew there was something special there.

Do you have their first one? It's nearly as good, albeit a bit different.
Black Winter Day said:
yeah, anslemo is a wanker... i've also had the (dis)pleasure of hearing his antics live... sad sad sad that so many buy into it...

I'm curious, what's the difference between what he says on stage and what half of the world's other musicians/public figures/etc, etc. say every other night?

For christ sake, we had to listen to Bruce Dickinson go on and on for almost 15 minutes about the downfall of the current state of the music industry and metal when they last came thru. Almost every metal band I've ever seen has spouted something asinine at one point or another.

Dime and Vinnie just talk shit because Phil asked Rex to play in Down. Jealousy breeds all kinds of shit. SJR just ain't jock rock, and for those of you who think so, you need to go back and reanalyze. We're talking a collective group of musicians here from the school of Black Flag, Eyehategod, Black Sabbath, Dead Horse, etc. "A Lethal Dose of American Hatred" is an interesting listen. Read the lyrics, it's not a bunch of senseless drivel, babble, shmabble...
"come on you fucking pussies, fucking this fucking that fucking pussy"

"drink whiskey and eat pussy all day long"

"don't take no fucking shit from no fucking body"

"fuck you, you motherfuckers!"

"is that a rebel flag i see back there? raise that motherfucker high!"

and any other variation of "pussy", "fucker", "motherfucker", "shit", etc.

at least other people actually have something to say, or pretend to
Bump because the majority of my listening lately has been consumed with Patton-related stuff.
I love most of the stuff Patton does. FNM and Tomahawk are my faves. Love Fantomas and DEP (EP) too. Not as crazy about Mr. Bungle--I have some stuff but it never really stuck w/ me like the rest of his stuff. Also not really into his two "solo" albums which just seem like avant garde noise to me--check some samples on amazon, no songs at all.
I'm interested to hear whether the Peeping Tom project will see the light of day. I have some demos and think it is pretty interesting stuff. A bit more mainstream than most of his projects.
You have a bunch of live stuff that makes me drool. I only have about 5 bootlegs to trade, but can give you some regular album CD-R's if'n you want.
I'm sure we can work something out. Email me what you'd like at matt99_crew@yahoo.com. I'm also glad to make some recommendations if you tell me what bands and tours you're looking for. For FNM, I'd suggest the 7/93 show at Stratford-upon-Avon. None better.

I'm guessing you don't have a collection online, so I'll put together a short list of things I'm looking for and reply to your email.