Mike Portnoy QUITS Dream Theater

Wow, hmm, and will see. My relationship with the band is a mixed one specially after SFOAM, so I do care but at the same I don't. As long as Trasnatlantic survives I give more a damn.
Wow, never thought I'd see that one coming. What's next, Lars quits Metallica?

Glad I saw him with DT while they were together. I dunno who they'll get to replace Mike, but I'd be happy as hell if Bobby Jarzombek or Mark Zonder filled the void :)
wow, what a dumb thing to just throw away. Why can't bands just stay together anymore? How can he just leave 20 years of work for some drug addict band like avenged7mold?
if it makes anyone feel better dream theater should have quit making music a decade ago
ive loved everything that they've ever done except for the 500 cover songs. so this is kinda disapointing but ill get over it eventually lol
Not the biggest fan either but I must admit an eyebrow was raised when I read this. I'm sure DT will live on though, founding members have been successfully replaced throughout the history of rock music.

Now who will be the replacement? An established drummer or some newbie? My money's on John Macaluso, LaBrie knows him and I doubt the Ark reunion will be much of an obstacle if he gets the call from DT.
I think it was Mike that pushed the thrash-influence in DT the past albums. That style didn't fit DT at all imo , so I don't mind he will be replaced. Saw them live at the tour with Bigelf a year ago and they were awesome there !!
In my view, their most recent release is easily their masterwork. I know I'm in the minority, but I find their recent releases to be their best.

I thought Systematic Chaos was excellent... probably my favorite all-around DT album. Latest album was solid too.
Good drummer, overrated in my opinion, DT has become a bore...

yes they are a bore. kevin moore was the songwriter for the band. they had 2 pretty good albums right after he left and its been hit and miss since. now DT has 2 original members
In my view, their most recent release is easily their masterwork. I know I'm in the minority, but I find their recent releases to be their best.

agreed too much focus is put on Metropilis even though thats my favorite one. but theres so much other stuff they've done that could easily surpass that
wow, what a dumb thing to just throw away. Why can't bands just stay together anymore?

What are you talking about?! An average band LIFE SPAN is about 10-15 years tops and MP was with the band for 25 years!
That and this was hardly the first lineup change, albeit the heaviest, given his heavy involvement in all things DT.

How can he just leave 20 years of work for some drug addict band like avenged7mold?

Who said he left for A7?! He just stated that playing with them made him realize he enjoyed it much more than his own band and that gave him something to think about...

if it makes anyone feel better dream theater should have quit making music a decade ago

That's the sole reason I don't really give a damn about his departure... If LaBrie left, that would be an improvement, he's really annoying IMO.
DT has always been a bore! For me!

excluding maybe 4 songs, i agree.

Who said he left for A7?! He just stated that playing with them made him realize he enjoyed it much more than his own band and that gave him something to think about...

but thinking about that caused him to leave DT, with the acknowledgment he had more fun with avenged...i think he may be right. dont be shocked to see A7X add him to their lineup in the near future